How to Make Slime Without Glue Or Activator?

Making slime without glue or traditional activators is possible by using alternative ingredients that can still create a fun, stretchy consistency. Here's a simple recipe using liquid soap and salt:


  • Liquid soap (dish soap or hand soap)
  • Salt
  • Optional: food coloring or glitter


  1. Pour about 1/2 cup of liquid soap into a mixing bowl.
  2. Gradually add salt to the liquid soap, starting with 1 tablespoon. Stir the mixture well.
  3. Continue adding salt in small increments, stirring after each addition, until the mixture reaches a slime-like consistency.
  4. If desired, add a few drops of food coloring or a small amount of glitter to the mixture and stir well to combine.
  5. Once the desired consistency and color are achieved, you can play with your slime. Store it in an airtight container when not in use to prevent it from drying out.

Featured Answers

If you don’t have an activator for slime you could use liquid laundry starch, liquid soap, eye drops or eye wash.

Answered from Kermit

Squeeze some detergent into a container. Sprinkle 1 tablespoon salt into the mixture and stir well with a spoon. Repeat step two until a ‘slime' consistency is reached. Optional: add food dye or glitter.

Answered from Anonymous

How do i make slime without glue or activator?

Playing with vibrant, stretchy slime is always fun – but what if you don't have the basic glue or activator on hand? Thankfully, there are handy homemade alternatives for both ingredients that allow whipping up glue-free slime using things you already have at home. In this FAQ, I'll share my top tricks for making high-quality DIY slime without any glue or liquid activator.

What household ingredients can substitute for glue in slime?

A few handy glue stand-ins are:

  • Liquid starch – Mix with water to create cohesive slime
  • Shampoo – Opt for cheaper brands over conditioner-enhanced ones
  • Toothpaste – Adds nice color and minty scent!
  • Liquid soap – Dilute with water to adjust slime thickness
  • Aloe vera gel – Achieves stretch and shine

What ratio of starch to water makes good slime?

Combine 1 part liquid starch with 2 parts warm water. For example, mix 1/4 cup starch and 1/2 cup water. Adjust amounts as needed to get the perfect slime consistency.

How does shampoo work instead of glue?

Cheap shampoo's surfactants create thick slime. Avoid conditioner-rich formulas – too much moisturizer makes slime stay too slippery. Dish soap can work too in a pinch!

Can I use hair gel or hand sanitizer as a glue substitute?

Sanitizers and thicker hair gels don't have the best molecular properties for flowing, moldable slime. They stay too stiff and shapeless. Liquid soap or shampoo works better.

What household options can activate slime without borax?

Some activator alternatives are:

  • Salt – Just 1-2 tsp activates slime gradually
  • Eye drops – Help bind polymers together gradually
  • Saline solution – The saltiness activates slime formation
  • Sugar – Adds gritty texture and stiffens slime slowly

Does adding salt or sugar change slime texture?

Yes, salt and sugar will make the slime grainier in texture versus smooth. The small grains introduce new sensations, but don't overdo the additives or slime gets too stiff.

How does contact solution help activate slime?

The sodium chloride salt in contact lens solution helps initiate slime solidification much like borax. Just add drops slowly and knead to gradually firm up.

Can I use baking soda instead of activator?

Baking soda alone makes slime too dry and crumbly. For best results, couple baking soda with an activator substitute like saline solution or eye drops to achieve proper slime texture.

How long does it take for salt or sugar to activate slime?

Substitute activators take more kneading time to fully bind and solidify slime – up to 5-10 minutes versus 1 minute with borax. Have patience and keep kneading until it no longer sticks to hands.

Should slime activator alternatives be added after or during mixing?

I recommend adding substitutes like salt gradually while kneading rather than adding everything at once. This gives more control to stop activating before it gets too stiff.

Can I make fluffy cloud slime without shaving cream?

Yes! Use marshmallow fluff or beaten egg whites instead of shaving cream to achieve an airy, fluffy slime texture without glue. They naturally foam up and bind well.

What household items add color and scents to slime?

  • Food coloring, drink mix powders, or liquid watercolors for vibrant colors
  • Essential oils, vanilla, or scented extracts for smells
  • Glitter, beads, sequins, or craft pom poms to decorate

Can I make edible slime using substitute ingredients?

Yes, choose edible activators like sugar or salt to allow tasting slime made with cornstarch, gelatin, marshmallow fluff, or other food proteins as the base. Yum!


With some DIY spirit and kitchen experiments, anyone can craft awesome slime at home minus classic glue and activator. Alternatives like shampoo, starch, soap, and salt unlock the creativity to deliver stretchy vibrant slime fun using basic household staples you likely have on hand already. Getting sticky with glue-free slime is an easy, affordable activity for a rainy day!

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