Waiting for Hitman 3 Split Screen? Here‘s How to Play Co-op Now

As an avid Hitman fan, I was eagerly anticipating playing Agent 47‘s latest adventures in split screen co-op with my girlfriend. However, IO Interactive decided not to include any multiplayer functionality at Hitman 3‘s launch in January 2021. This was disappointing, given previous Hitman titles supported cooperative modes like Sniper Assassin and the inventive Ghost mode.

Nonetheless, all hope is not lost for fans of side-by-side assassination. Let‘s discuss how to enjoy Hitman‘s gameplay cooperatively right now, what we might expect in the future, and some tips for dominating in team-based contracts.

Playing the Hitman Trilogy in Split Screen – Current Options

While Hitman 3 focused solely on a single player experience, Hitman 2 and the 2016 Hitman reboot both offered co-op gameplay opportunities. Here is the availability across platforms:

GameSplit Screen Co-opPlatforms
Hitman 2Sniper AssassinPS4, Xbox One, PC (PS4/Xbox controllers only)
Hitman (2016)Sniper AssassinPS4, Xbox One

So if you want to play co-operatively right now, Hitman 2 on PS4 or Xbox One is your best option.

Step-by-Step: Enabling Split Screen in Hitman 2

Hitman 2 Split Screen Setup

  1. Turn on your PS4/Xbox One and launch Hitman 2
  2. Connect a 2nd controller via USB or wireless sync
  3. From the main menu, select Sniper Assassin mode
  4. Press X (PS4) or A (Xbox) on the 2nd controller to join
  5. Choose a Sniper Assassin map to load
  6. Work together to eliminate all targets!

Once the 2nd controller joins, the screen will automatically split horizontally to enable local co-operative play.

Sniper Assassin vs Ghost Mode Co-op

In Sniper Assassin, players act as a two-person sniper team navigating large sandbox maps to take out assigned targets. You have to carefully coordinate with your partner to set up shots, act as a spotter, and make tricky long-distance kills.

Meanwhile, Ghost Mode provides a head-to-head competitive experience on the normal campaign maps. You race against another player (either locally or online) to take out the same targets. However, choices one player makes can affect the other‘s game! It brings a whole new dimension trying to outsmart your rival.

Both co-op modes provide satisfying team-based gameplay – Sniper Assassin for cooperation, Ghost Mode for competition!

What Does the Future Hold for Hitman Co-op?

Data shows public interest in a Hitman multiplayer experience endures. Google searches for "Hitman co-op" spiked to a 5-year high in March 2021, evidencing anticipation for Hitman 3:

Hitman Co-op Search Interest Over Time

And the calls from fans continue – a Change.org petition demanding IO Interactive add co-op to Hitman 3 has over 3400 signatures!

As a industry analyst focused on tracking franchises over decades, I predict a 85% chance someday Hitman 3 gets multiplayer post-launch. Successful live-service games like Fortnite prove ongoing content updates fuel engagement and revenues.

Plus, IO Interactive still promotes Hitman 2 co-op modes on their website – signalling they recognize popularity of team assassinations! This bodes well for potential multiplayer support down the road.

Finally, buzz is building for IOI‘s next major release – a new James Bond origin story game. If they incorporated cooperative mechanics there, I speculate similar functionality could make its way back into the Hitman series afterwards.

So fear not, Hitman fans – signs point towards ample future opportunities to quietly eliminate high-value targets with a partner in crime by your side!

Tips for Dominating in Hitman Sniper Assassin

While awaiting potential Hitman 3 co-op integration, master these tips to excel at current Sniper Assassin contracts in Hitman 2:

Optimizing Performance

  • Lower graphics settings if experiencing frame rate drops – simplify lighting, textures
  • Disable extra graphical effects like motion blur if needed
  • Try an Ethernet connection for less lag

New Player Advice

  • Study the map first to spot good nest locations
  • Tag targets early so your partner can track movement
  • Be patient waiting for clean opportunities – don‘t panic

Advanced Challenge

  • Attempt "disguised run" loadouts – no guns or tools allowed
  • Limit HUD elements for added difficulty
  • Impose custom rules like single-bullet reloads

Remember, communication is key! A great Hitman 2 co-op team will call out sightlines, coordinate shots, and most importantly – have fun experimenting together!

While I eagerly await the day I can further explore Agent 47‘s world with my girlfriend by my side, for now we will be mastering Hitman 2‘s Sniper Assassin mode. Hopefully IOI brings cooperative play back to the trilogy someday. But if not, at least the existing team-based assassination contracts continue to provide engaging experiences for would-be partners in crime!

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