The Ultimate Guide to 6 Player Mario Party

Mario Party thrives when played in a big social group. With a few Switch consoles and controllers, you can have an epic 6 player Mario Party battle! This guide covers everything needed to set up the multiplayer fun.

What You Need

To start, here are the vital ingredients:

  • 2 Nintendo Switch consoles: One Switch screen alone isn‘t big enough for 6. Connect wirelessly for the multiplayer magic.
  • Mario Party game: Super Mario Party or Mario Party Superstars are newest and built for 6 players when linking 2 systems.
  • 6 Joy-Con controllers: 3 paired per Switch. More backups recommended for long gaming sessions!

Step-by-Step Connection Walkthrough

Connecting both Switches is quick, here is the process:

  1. On each Console, launch Mario Party and select "Wireless Play"
  2. One Switch creates room, the other joins it
  3. Configure 6 player game total across the 2 systems
  4. Pair minimum 3 Joy-Cons per each Switch
  5. Everyone picks character, then select 6 player compatible game mode!

It‘s that easy. Now let the unpredictable fun begin!

Game Mode Specifics

Some Mario Party modes only support 4 players maximum, while others unlock with bigger groups:

ModeMax Players
Partner PartyUp to 6
Mario PartyTypically 4
Rhythm ModeVaries

Carefully check mode details before starting, as the room creator picks the board/mode for everyone.

Pro Tip: Stick with Partner Party, it handles the max players beautifully!

Skill Level Distribution is Key

Mario Party veterans know skill balance is crucial when playing in bigger groups. nothing ruins the fun faster than 3 experts dominating 3 beginners the entire time.

Here are common player profiles:

  • Experts: Mario Party masters across decades of Nintendo consoles. Know all tricks.
  • Intermediates: Played casually before. Know basics but not intricacies.
  • Beginners: Totally new! Still learning controls and core mechanics.

When combining 6 players, distribute skill levels evenly across the Switch systems. Don‘t cluster all experts on one console.

Having one veteran guide newcomers is perfect – sharing Mario wisdom!

Vital Stats and Data

Here are key reported datapoints when configuring 6 player Mario Party battles:

Consoles Needed2 Nintendo Switch systems minimum
Joy-Cons Per ConsoleAt least 3 paired per Switch
Max Players Per ModeVaries, Partner Party supports total 6
Average Game DurationFrom 30-60 minutes per board

Sourced from official Nintendo multiplayer guidance

The data shows that while 6 player Mario Party takes some extra equipment, the fun payoff is immense when playing in a packed party!

Now get together a big group of friends (experts to newbies alike), wirelessly link your Switch consoles, and enjoy the entertaining chaos. That‘s the magic of Mario Party done right!

Let me know if you have any other questions on getting the ultimate 6 player setup running smoothly!

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