How to Rate Movies on Amazon Prime Video: Your Full Guide for 2024

As an avid Prime Video viewer myself, I know how ratings can be useful when deciding what to watch. That‘s why over 175 million Amazon Prime members should understand how to rate the movies they view – it improves the experience for everyone. In this comprehensive guide, I‘ll compare and evaluate the methods for rating films on Amazon Prime Video so you can become a savvy rater.

Why You Should Rate the Movies You Watch

  • Improve recommendations – By rating movies from 1 to 5 stars, you help Amazon‘s ML algorithm understand your taste. In return, your homepage and recommendations become more tailored over time, potentially saving you hours of searching. 79% of U.S. Amazon Prime viewers say recommendations are useful for discovering new content. [1]

  • Inform other viewers – Your star rating and written reviews on Amazon help guide other viewers‘ watching decisions. Positive ratings build traction for more niche genres and titles. In fact, 72% of U.S. Prime subscribers read customer reviews sometimes or often when selecting movies. [2]

  • Contribute data to IMDb – As an Amazon subsidiary, ratings you leave in the IMDb app also impact the movie‘s overall IMDb user rating score – which has become an industry standard for benchmarking film reception.

Now that you know why ratings matter, let‘s explore your options for rating movies on Prime Video in just a few clicks.

Method 1: Quick Star Ratings

If you want to leave a simple 1 to 5 star rating, use the "Rate This Movie" button on

Rate movies on Amazon Prime


  • Fastest way to rate movies
  • Easy to update rating later


  • No written review

Here is the step-by-step:

  1. Log into and go to Prime Video
  2. Locate the movie‘s details page
  3. Click "Rate This Movie" on the right side
  4. Hover and select your rating (1-5 stars)
  5. Click "Rate" to submit

Repeat for any other films you‘ve watched. This feeds clear signals back to Amazon for improving your recommendations.

Method 2: Write Customer Reviews

Alternatively, write a full customer review with your rating to inform other viewers:

Leave Amazon Prime movie reviews


  • Leave written feedback about the film
  • Other users can vote your review as "Helpful"


  • More time intensive than star ratings alone

Here are the steps to publish an Amazon customer review:

  1. Follow steps 1-4 from Method 1 above
  2. Under the stars, write a descriptive title summarizing your feedback about the movie
  3. Write the body of your review in the text box – elaborate on what you liked/disliked and who you‘d recommend the movie to
  4. Click "Post Comment" to publish the review to the movie‘s page

Well-written reviews that offer balanced critique tend to gain the most "Helpful" votes from the community.

Method 3: Rate in IMDb App

You can also contribute ratings through IMDb‘s mobile app, which impacts the movie‘s overall IMDb score:


  • Easy when browsing IMDb app
  • Counts towards IMDb user rating


  • Only accessible within IMDb app

To rate movies in the IMDb app:

  1. Download and open the IMDb app
  2. Log into your account
  3. Tap the "Movies" tab at the bottom
  4. Search for the Prime movie and open its page
  5. Tap "Review" under the poster
  6. Choose your rating and tap "Post"

Note that you‘ll need an IMDb account connected to your Amazon login for this to work properly.

Comparison of Rating Methods

Star RatingsFast, easyNo written review
Customer ReviewsFeedback helps other viewersMore time intensive
IMDb AppImpacts IMDb ratingOnly available in IMDb app

Troubleshooting & Tips

If you are having issues leaving ratings, here is my best expert advice:

  • Confirm you have an active Prime membership
  • Use the desktop website, as the Prime Video app does not support ratings
  • Make sure the movie is available in Prime Video vs. other formats
  • If needed, contact Amazon Customer Service for 1-on-1 assistance

Following this guide, any Amazon Prime subscriber can quickly start rating movies and contributing data to improve the overall streaming experience. So next time you watch a movie on Prime Video, take just a moment to leave your feedback through stars, reviews, or the IMDb app. Happy rating!


[1] Business Insider Research Amazon Prime Survey 2021

[2] Feedvisor Prime Member Survey 2022

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