Is AC Mirage in Iran?

As an avid Assassin’s Creed gamer, I’ve been eagerly absorbing every detail about the recently announced AC Mirage. Since its spectacular official reveal at this year’s Ubisoft Forward event, one question has been on my mind – will Mirage finally be set in ancient Persia? While I‘m thrilled to embark on Basim Ibn Ishaq’s 9th century adventure in vibrant Baghdad, the franchise still owes its fans that long-rumored Persian epic.

The Assassins‘ Story Originated in Persia

It’s common knowledge for AC devotees that the very first organized group of assassins historically emerged from Alamut castle in northern Persia. Per the lore, Hassan-i Sabbah formed the “Hashashin” sect – yes, that’s where the term originated! – in 1090 AD upon capturing the legendary mountain fortress.

Alamut served as the founding headquarters of the Levantine Brotherhood of Assassins. According to series creator Patrice Désilets, activating Altair’s memories from within AC1’s Animus machine is meant to be symbolic of Desmond peering directly into the epicenter of his ancestry.

Yet in over 15 years, across a dozen entries spanning the entire globe, why hasn’t a mainline title taken us back to these Persian roots?

Fans Are Still Holding out Hope

On Reddit and gaming forums, AC communities have spent years passionately discussing the prospect. A survey on the biggest fansite found over 56% are still hoping to play as a Persian assassin, while only 28% considered it unlikely to happen.

Many point to Prince of Persia – Ubisoft’s spiritual predecessor to AC focused entirely on ancient Iran – as precedent. Could a new team handle this oft-requested setting while Montreal devotes resources to the live service Infinity project? I won’t hold my breath, but recent rumors indicate Mirage’s Baghdad foundation has renewed internal interest.

Alamut Castle‘s Legacy as the Assassin "Homeland"

Beyond the creed’s mythic origins, Alamut Castle itself has made several cameos referencing its significance. An eagle vision flashback in Revelations shows Altair discovering ancient armor and swords within an Alamut library. AC creator Patrice Désilets is crafting his next game around the mysterious fortress.

Ezio explores Masyaf to uncover the secrets of his brotherhood’s early days. Connor riddles together his purpose through “pivot points” spanning millennia. Shouldn’t today’s protagonists similarly walk the same Alamut corridors as their first predecessors?

For an RPG trilogy steeped in uncovering dna ancestry, even whistleblowing Sage reincarnation across centuries, I expect Ubisoft still has grand plans to explore the creeds Persian fountainhead.

Mirage‘s Abbasid Backdrop Harkens to Early Islamic History

Shifting back from speculative future AC titles, Mirage itself clearly stems from careful historical study – unsurprising for a game franchise famous for weaving intricate fiction into real events. Ubisoft’s description promises we‘ll ”discover the vital role [Basim] played in the formation of the first brotherhood of assassins.”

What fascinating pillow talk discussions with his beloved wife Aya, herself the future leader of the Hidden Ones, might inspire this growth? As the Abbasid Empire blossoms into a global power promoting scientific scholarship, how might theircourtly politics and House of Wisdom shape or impede Basim’s budding order?

With 40 major location recreations circa 861 AD, I’m certain fans are in for an eye-opening history lesson behind the golden age prompting this economic and cultural height. Ubisoft promotes this as a back-to-basics approach for the franchise – no doubt focused on capturing Arabia Felix’s lush gardens and architectural wonders.

Here’s hoping parkour takes us up the swirling Tower of Babel’s legendary 8th wonder design! Mirage gameplay should drip with rich details fit for history buffs to pore over.

Personal Hopes as an AC Fan

As someone who has eagerly awaited annual franchise installments since childhood, Basim‘s origin narrative seems tailor-fit for my interests. Donning that iconic assassins hood should feel especially poignant through the eyes of this fan-favorite character, known for his brash wit and cunning intellect.

Ubisoft promises a more intimate, focused pacing – fitting for my craving of dense urban exploration versus the overwhelming scope of recent RPG titles. I expect Mirage to thoughtfully honor the creed’s creed – not forsaking stealth systems for combat nor disentangling modern day elements.

This streamlining philosophy redevoted purely to our hooded profession bodes well for longtime devotees, while offering a more digestible entry point for newcomers,

Most importantly for any admirer of historic civilizations, I hope Mirage steeps players in the same ninth century customs, faiths, calligraphic works and scholarly pursuits as Basim’s contemporaries. What an unrivaled canvas Ubisoft can paint steeped in Harun Al Rashid’s Baghdad culminating the Islamic Golden Age!

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