Is Assassin‘s Creed Odyssey Set in the Glory of Ancient Greece or Might of Rome?

To answer the question plainly right away – Assassin‘s Creed Odyssey is unambiguously set in ancient Greece, during the Peloponnesian War of 431-404 BC. You‘ll be exploring the Mediterranean as a mercenary across the golden age of one of history‘s most revered civilizations, not the Roman Empire which rose later.

Let‘s dive deeper into how the rich setting of ancient Greece provides the perfect backdrop for an epic Assassin‘s Creed adventure.

Embarking on an Odyssey Through the Dawn of Western Civilization

Ubisoft specifically chose 431 BC as the period where players enter the AC universe in Odyssey. This places us over 1,000 years before the history-making journeys of the Italian Assassins Ezio Auditore or the Frye twins.

But why ancient Greece versus the grandeur of Imperial Rome which defined much of the continent in intervening centuries?

![Ancient Greek architecture]

Ancient temple columns still stand tall as a testament to advanced Greek society that laid foundations for Western cultures today (Image credit: Flickr user mharrsch)

The late 5th century BC was a pivotal era that shaped what we now know as classical Greece. Architectural marvels like the Parthenon raised the bar on artistic beauty. Democracy emerged under radical reforms in Athens. Epic tales of gods and monsters like Homer‘s The Odyssey captured imaginations.

Most importantly, the Peloponnesian War between the mighty city-states of Athens and Sparta triggered political shifts that ended Greece‘s golden age.

These dynamic events and ideologies that molded ancient Greece into a guiding light for millennia afterwards provided the perfect backdrop for Ubisoft to build upon. It was an era of history steeped in fierce geopolitical rivalries, philosophical discourse, iconic mythologies, and grand conquests across sea and land.

Game Director Scott Phillips explained it thus:

"It was a perfect setting to reflect the franchise, because when you look back [at Greece], there were politics, there was war, there was religion, there was philosophy, there was debate about democracy and oligarchy. All of these things were happening…We wanted players to see that the decisions they made echoed through history in some way." (The Hollywood Reporter, 2018)

Could the same be said about the Roman Empire that was still hundreds of years off during the Peloponnesian War? Likely no – the fundamental philosophies, scientific innovations, artistic movements, and even the very concept of democracy that became integral to European heritage can be traced to 5th century BC Greece instead.

By contrast, Imperial Rome was expansionist and administrative, focused on pragmatic governance and martial conquest over high-minded discourse. Its spectacle and brutalities better suit being the stage for gruesome finishers by a blade in the back more than thoughtfully engaging with Socratic method.

Peloponnesian War‘s Chaos was Perfect Fodder for Assassin vs Templar Conflict

The turbulent events caused by Athens and Sparta battling for supremacy also perfectly set up tensions that the Brotherhood of Assassins and Order of the Ancients (precursors to the Templar Order) could manipulate in the shadows.

This is again noted by developers from Ubisoft Quebec (Assassin‘s Creed wiki):

"Greece was entered into a dark age [under the Peloponnesian War], making it a good time period for Templars to manipulate events."

Having our protagonist thrust into critical events during a historical crisis, forced to make difficult decisions whose consequences ripple across the Mediterranean, makes for engaging storytelling and gameplay.

Whether influencing battles raging across seas or infiltrating strongholds through stealth, the possibilities afforded by the Greco-Persian conflict proved irresistible. Fighting alongside the Delian League led by Athens or rival Peloponnesian League commanded by Sparta also lets players carve their unique journey.

The volatile setting of the Peloponnesian War stood in stark contrast to the stable Pax Romana era where Imperial Rome was at zenith. This later period lacked the fluid chaos through which the Assassin Brotherhood historically navigates by striking swiftly from the shadows.

Majestic Ruins Still Stand as Living Reminders of Ancient Greece‘s Innovation

We cannot discuss the merits of exploring ancient Greece without addressing the wonderous architecture that leaves visitors awestruck even today. Serving both gameplay objectives and historical authenticity, AC Odyssey resurrected Greek architecture in all its grandeur:

Climbing the Sacred Mountains of the Gods

The colossal statues of Greek gods built atop sacred Mount Olympus still stand tall in northern Greece across the Macedonia region. Finding curious ancient mechanisms and lore even at these dizzying heights where only deities were said to gather makes for intriguing side quests.

Infiltrating Athens‘ Monument to Democracy

The iconic Parthenon temple situated within Athens could be considered the crowning jewel of classical architecture, dedicated to goddess Athena. With enormous decorated columns holding up majestic marble roofing, the sheer size and beauty impresses despite centuries of wear.

Light beams piercing giant chambers shrouded in mystery make it the perfect Assassin target location to sneak through while unravelling sinister plots.

Parthenon AC:Odyssey

*(Image Credit: Forbes)*

Island Hopping Across the Shimmering Aegean Sea

Leaping across Greek islands dotting the azure Aegean Sea underwarm Mediterranean sun, obscured from enemy sights by overgrown ruins, makes for dazzling visual set-pieces. The vibrant oceans and rich vegetation overtaking once bustling cities juxtapose somber echoes of bygone eras beautifully.

This breathtaking environment is second-to-none when comparing ancient civilizations that Assassin‘s Creed has covered so far. From verdant forests to arid badlands and picturesque castles, Greece‘s varied scenery surpasses even stunning Italian countrysides traversed by Ezio Auditore as the Brotherhood‘s Mentor.

Majestic Architecture Fosters Both Stealth Mechanics & Cultural Authenticity

The Ubisoft dev team leveraged the unique architectural traits of Greek infrastructure not just for visual impact, but also to facilitate the franchise‘s core mechanics:

Unparalleled Parkour Potential

Massive structures like the Parthenon combined with Greek infrastructure being focused around accessibility creates unrivaled environmental navigation opportunities. This blends seamlessly with Assassin‘s Creed‘s signature parkour movements for fluid climbing puzzles.

Facilitating Stealth Through Design

Intricate layouts with chambers, cellars, and hidden passages meant buildings doubled as public spaces and covert meeting spots. This duality lends itself perfectly to stealthily hunting targets while blending into large gatherings.

Authentic Backdrop for Mythical Tales & Historical Quests

The ornate themes based on Greek gods and legends integrated into many structures echo fantastical figures we encounter. Likewise, many locales played pivotal roles shaping Pelopennesian War events revisited through missions.

This synergy between architecture and key narrative or mechanical elements makes Greece a tailor-made environment for an Assassin‘s Creed title.

Now take a glance at how Odyssey‘s sprawling map bringing ancient Greece to life compares against previous entries:

GameMap SizeMain Story Length
AC Odyssey121 mi240 hours
AC Origins55 mi235 hours
AC Syndicate5.5 mi219 hours

Clearly no expense was spared recreating the far-reaching kingdoms of Greece down to precise details!

The Lore Behind DNA Ancestry Connecting Misthios to Fabled Assassins

While not set in the same era as prominent assassins Altaïr or Ezio, our protagonist in Odyssey – the misthios – shares a bloodline with famed ancestors. As DNA sequencing reveals, playing as Alexios or Kassandra ties us to their legacy centuries down the line.

Isu DNA Unlocks Sixth Sense Abilities

As descendants of the legendary King Leonidas of Sparta and the revered huntress Darius, we inherited genetic memories and special ‘Eagle Vision‘ capabilities from Isu DNA. These precursors to later Assassins possessed superhuman strength and endurance that manifest as combat overpowers.

Our ancient weapons like Leonidas‘ broken spear passed down generations also suggest a destiny linked to those forebears who defied oppressive regimes.

Uncovering The First Hidden Blade‘s Origins

In fact, the iconic Hidden Blade wrist weapon synonymous with hooded Assassins was first forged by none other than Darius. Our quests to upgrade this prototype blade and uncover its creator‘s fate offers insight into pivotal Isu artifacts.

These lore connections may seem tenuous over a millennium between Odyssey‘s Pelopennesian War through the rise of the Roman brotherhood. But they represent crucial missing links between the lineage of Greek heroes like Leonidas and his last descendent in 44 BCE – Marcus Brutus himself!

Therefore, the memories we revisit as the Orichalcum Misthios prove pivotal in Assassin‘s Creed‘s overarching franchise lore. It completes an 80,000 year gap separating Isu predecessors and their reincarnations defending freewill in more recent eras.

Conclusion: Why We‘re Fortunate to Explore the Glory of Ancient Greece Instead of Rome

In closing, while early speculation hinted ancient Rome may have been the destination after Origins, we are blessed as history fans and gamers to traverse Greece in its full magnificence. The Peloponnesian War created the perfect volatile backdrop pitting philosophical ideals against harsh realities that suit Assassins operating best in ruptured status quos.

And the splendor of societies at their peak, adorned with architectural marvels dotting the exotic Aegean, crafted adventures filled with mystique and beauty. Weathered pillars that once upheld mighty civilizations crumbling under new eras serves as poignant metaphors for tales filled with choices, sacrifice and redemption.

So while imperial Rome deserves its recognition for expansive conquests, the human experiences and values that resonate through time emerged earlier out of Greece‘s golden age. And those help our epic journey through decisions, losses and triumphs resonate at a deeper level as we walk in legendary footsteps.

We live the history that forever transformed western conscience!

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