Is bronze 1 or 4 higher in league?

Bronze 1 is clearly the higher division compared to Bronze 4 in Riot Games‘ League of Legends. As a passionate LoL gamer and content creator, I‘ll be sharing a detailed breakdown of the League ranks to help players understand the progression system. Whether you‘re new to LoL or grinding your way up from the depths of Bronze, this guide has everything you need to know!

Overview of the League Ranked System

League of Legends uses a tiered ranking system from Iron to Challenger to match players of similar skill levels. Each tier except Challenger is divided into four numbered divisions denoting skill level, with Division 1 being the best and Division 4 being the worst.

Advancing requires earning 100 LP (League Points) to reach promotion matches, then winning a best-of-five series to reach the next division. This continues until Division 1 of a tier, which allows promotion into the next tier after earning 100 LP and winning a matchup.

IronIron 4 to Iron 1
BronzeBronze 4 to Bronze 1
SilverSilver 4 to Silver 1

So in Bronze tier, Bronze 1 represents the best Division 1 players while Bronze 4 holds those still learning the game‘s fundamentals.

Bronze Tier Structure and Advancement

As stated above, the Bronze tier in League of Legends ranges from Bronze 4 up to Bronze 1. Bronze 4 is the starting point for many new ranked players, while Bronze 1 players are on the cusp of making Silver.

Based on OP.GG statistics, roughly 35% of the LoL ranked playerbase settles into Bronze. The distribution is:

  • Bronze 4: 15% of ranked players
  • Bronze 3: 10% of ranked players
  • Bronze 2: 5% of ranked players
  • Bronze 1: 5% of ranked players

So Bronze 1 represents the top ~5% of Bronze players closest to early Silver MMR levels. This means they‘ve shown above average in-tier mechanics and macro play.

To rank up in Bronze, you‘ll need to consistently win around 55% of your games to steadily gain LP. This helps skip Promotion matches, especially critical for jumping from Bronze I to Silver IV.

Based on personal experience, the key is limiting deaths while accelerating income via farming and calculated aggression in lane. As your skill improves, you‘ll reach promotion more easily each time until you break into Silver.

How Does Bronze Compare to Other Tiers?

Gameplay in Bronze has a notoriously aggressive flair, especially compared to higher tiers. Mechanics and strategy both suffer here compared to Gold+ due to lower experience levels. Players in this tier tend to:

  • Fight early and often, valuing kills over objectives
  • Mismanage waves, failing to set up slow pushes or traps
  • Forget to ward often, enabling easy ambush kills
  • Build suboptimally without adapting itemization

However, Bronze 1 tests your decision-making since teammates and enemies do have grasp of fundamentals. You‘ll need proper wave management, map awareness, and focus on objectives to keep a win streak.

In my opinion, Bronze has gotten a bad reputation given the visible mistakes seen in VOD reviews. There‘s still thoughtful play; otherwise, climbing out would be much easier! The volatility does let determined players carry if they pinpoint and abuse common Bronze errors.

Tips to Climb From Bronze 4 to Bronze 1

Here are my top 5 tips for reliably climbing from Bronze 4 up to Bronze 1:

  1. Limit your champion pool: Stick to 2-3 comfort picks suited for carrying solo queue games.
  2. Work on farming skills: Perfect last-hitting and learn to set up slow pushes. This rapid gold injection lets you hit power spikes faster.
  3. Buy and use control wards: Lock down objectives after ganks and enable your roams or jungle invades.
  4. Review your VODs: Watch losses to understand your mistakes rather than blaming teammates.
  5. Dodge toxic lobbies: Don‘t waste time and LP in unwinnable games. Remain cool-headed and analytical in your mindset.

If you focus on incremental play improvements while applying the above concepts, you‘ll steadily notch the wins needed to climb. Trust me, the promotion into Silver feels incredibly rewarding after this grueling yet satisfying journey!

Closing Thoughts

I hope this guide gave you a detailed inside look at League of Legends‘ Bronze rank! To quickly recap:

  • Bronze 1 is higher than Bronze 4 as the best Division in Bronze tier
  • Bronze has 4 divisions, with Division 1 being the closest to early Silver MMR
  • Bronze gameplay is aggressive and volatile with many mechanical/macro mistakes
  • Climbing requires a 55%+ win rate and learning from your VOD reviews

Let me know if this helped explain LoL ranks, or if you have any other questions! I‘m happy to offer more insights into escaping ELO hell as a seasoned League player and content creator. Feel free to ask in the comments section below.

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