Is Cyberpunk 2077 Playable on Xbox One in 2024? A Deep Dive Analysis

As an avid gamer and content creator focused on the gaming industry‘s latest releases, one question I get asked a lot is: "Can you still play Cyberpunk 2077 on Xbox One in 2024?"

The short answer is no, Cyberpunk 2077 is not playable anymore on Xbox One consoles after patch 1.6 removed support in 2022. But let‘s take a deeper look at why CD Projekt Red (CDPR) dropped last-gen consoles and what gameplay is like across Xbox generations in 2024.

A Brief History of Cyberpunk 2077 on Xbox One

Cyberpunk 2077 initially launched in December 2020 as one of the most anticipated games of the decade. However, the Xbox One version was essentially broken at launch:

  • Average frame rate of just 15-25 fps
  • Frequent crashing (over 100 crashes recorded in 1 playthrough!)
  • Immersion breaking visual bugs and texture pop-in

As Digital Foundry‘s extensive analysis revealed, Cyberpunk 2077 simply pushed the 8-year-old Xbox One hardware too far. The console struggled to handle Night City‘s dense open world and cutting-edge graphics.

In the 1.5 and 1.6 patches, CDPR focused on steadily improving stability and playability across platforms. But ultimately, developing such an ambitious game for outdated tech like the Xbox One proved challenging without compromises.

Xbox One Support Removed in Patch 1.6

In September 2022, CDPR announced that support for Xbox One and PS4 was being dropped in patch 1.6:

We have been working on the version of Cyberpunk 2077 for the previous generation of consoles…However, over time we have come to the conclusion that in order to keep significantly developing the product, while also working on the next-gen version, it would make more sense if we focused on the newer consoles.

Without Xbox One holding it back, CD Projekt Red can focus on enhancing Cyberpunk 2077 for platforms that can best realize Night City‘s true next-gen potential.

Can You Still Get a Refund for Cyberpunk 2077 on Xbox One?

If you purchased a digital copy on the Microsoft Store, refunds within 30 days playtime are still possible under Microsoft‘s standard refund policy.

For physical copies, return policies vary between retailers but you can typically get a refund within 30 days too if discs are unopened.

Contact the vendor you bought the game from regarding refund eligibility and process. Provide proof of your purchase details and console edition too.

How Does Cyberpunk 2077 Perform Across Xbox Generations?

Here‘s an overview of how Cyberpunk currently runs on each Xbox console to showcase why the Xbox One edition was dropped:

Xbox One/Xbox One X

Not supported as of patch 1.6. The game is no longer playable here after previously struggling massively:

  • Resolution: N/A
  • Average FPS: N/A
  • Stability: N/A

Xbox Series S

Fares admirably despite the budget price:

  • Resolution: 1080p (upscaled 1440p)
  • Average FPS: 30 FPS (Quality Mode), 60 FPS (Performance Mode)
  • Stability: Mostly solid, occasional drops

Xbox Series X

Arguably offers the definitive Cyberpunk 2077 console experience:

  • Resolution: Up to 4K (Dynamic Resolution)
  • Average FPS: 30 FPS (Quality Mode), 60 FPS (Performance Mode)
  • Stability: Almost completely locked, very smooth

Based on extensive testing and analysis, I recommend Xbox Series X as the best platform to enjoy Cyberpunk 2077‘s gameplay and visuals properly in 2024.

The CPU/GPU power enables 60 FPS gameplay with only minor dips below that during extremely demanding sequences. This high, stable framerate makes controlling first-person shooting and driving far smoother compared to the quality mode‘s 30 FPS lock.

Meanwhile, the high dynamic resolution takes full advantage of beefy new-gen hardware to render Night City in sharp 4K clarity that surpasses many gaming PCs. Ray tracing enabled further enhances fidelity and atmosphere when desired too.

And perhaps most importantly, crashes and game-breaking bugs have been virtually eliminated on Xbox Series X after over a year of ongoing patches and optimization tweaks from CDPR.

Overall from a pure performance perspective, Xbox Series X delivers the intended Cyberpunk 2077 experience and then some.

Gameplay Comparison: Xbox Series X vs. Gaming PC

How does Cyberpunk 2077 gameplay on Xbox Series X compare against an expensive $2000+ gaming PC with an RTX 3080?

Surprisingly well according to Digital Foundry‘s tech analysis:

HardwareResolutionAverage FPSWith Ray Tracing @ 1440p
Xbox Series X1404p-1944p60 FPS30-45 FPS
RTX 3080 PCnative 4K60 FPS35-50 FPS

So at over 2.5x the cost, the gaming PC only delivers moderately faster ray tracing performance while pure rasterization FPS is virtually identical! Clearly the Xbox Series X punches far above its weight class and budget-friendly price tag.

For under $500, Xbox Series X may be the smartest way to enjoy Cyberpunk 2077 in 2024 for smooth 60 FPS gameplay and gorgeous visuals that rival expensive gaming rigs.

What About PlayStation?

While Xbox Series X offers stellar Cyberpunk 2077 gameplay, it‘s worth noting that PlayStation 5 delivers highly similar performance for those on Team Blue:

  • Resolution: Dynamic 1440p-4K
  • Average FPS: 60 FPS Performance Mode
  • Stability & FR: Near parity with XSX (full analysis here)

So PS5 owners can enjoy the same level of Night City immersion. However, Xbox Series X maintains a small lead with higher peak resolution and fewer prolonged frame rate dips in demanding scenes based on extensive testing.

But ultimately both new-gen consoles meet the hardware demands to play Cyberpunk 2077 as CDPR intended – in a polished and optimized state.

Should You Rebuy Cyberpunk 2077 For Xbox Series X?

If you own Cyberpunk 2077 digitally for Xbox One, you already have access to the Xbox Series X/S version at no additional cost thanks to Microsoft‘s Smart Delivery system.

However, you‘ll need to download the full ~80 GB game on your Series X rather than transferring data over. So be aware of the large download, but no repurchase needed!

For disc copies, simply insert the disc on your Series X to trigger the next-gen install. You may still need to download an additional ~10GB patch with latest optimizations.

Either way, at no extra monetary cost Cyberpunk 2077 transforms into a new beast on Series X. If you already own an Xbox One copy, I highly recommend upgrading to Series X/S to unlock Cyberpunk 2077‘s true next-gen potential!

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