Is Dark Souls Remastered 4K on PS5?

As a hardcore Souls fan, I‘ve been itching to return to the original masterpiece that started it all – Dark Souls – in the best form possible. And I‘m thrilled to report that Dark Souls Remastered on PS5 delivers an utterly sublime 4K experience! Read on for all the nitty gritty details.

Let‘s kick things off by answering the key question clearly: Yes, Dark Souls Remastered renders at a native 1800p resolution on PS5, which is then upscaled to sharp, gorgeous 4K when output to a 2160p display. You get all the benefits of enhanced 4K visuals without losing smooth 60 fps performance.

Dramatically Improved Resolution Over PS3 Original

To fully appreciate just how massive this resolution jump is, take a look at this comparison between the original PS3‘s 1024×720 progressive scan and the PS5‘s 1800p upscaled to 4K:

PS51800p upscaled to 2160p 4K

That‘s around a 700% increase in overall pixels! Drab textures become intricate tapestries, dangerous cliffs exhibit true peril, and even subtle environmental details jump off the screen. It‘s like seeing Lordran reborn!

Digital Foundry analysis confirms the native resolution sits at approximately 3200×1800, which is then subject to reconstruction techniques before the 4K upscale. So not completely native 4K, but still a big upgrade over PS4 Pro‘s reconstructed 1440p.

Higher Res Textures and Enhanced Lighting

But resolution isn‘t the only visual enhancement on display in the PS5 remaster…

From the moonlit crags of Anor Londo to the festering muck of Blighttown, nearly every texture and surface has been lovingly touched up.chainmail glimmers, flames roar with realistic intensity, and the sorrowful eyes of Firelink‘s Crestfallen Warrior glint in the darkness.

Dynamic lighting and ambient occlusion also set the perfect mood, whether you‘re battling the Gaping Dragon‘s putrid breath or descending into the utter blackness of the Abyss. In fact, the lighting specifically has received high praise from the experts at Digital Foundry.

Not everything is perfect – some textures remain blurry if inspected closely and certain effects like SSAO are oddly patchy. But overall this is leagues ahead of the original visually.

PS5 Gameplay = Pure Buttery Goodness

Visuals set the stage, but buttery smooth 60 fps gameplay steals the show! On PS5, Dark Souls Remastered maintains this gold standard frame rate with almost no hitches or drops.

Compare this to the base PS3‘s choppy 20-30 fps, burdened by frequent stuttering and screen tear, and it‘s like a whole new game. Dodging and parrying suddenly becomes effortless. Massive boss fight chaos remains fluid and responsive. The difference can‘t be overstated.

Arguably just as important is the rock solid loading times thanks to the PS5‘s ultra fast solid state drive. Again the hard disk plodding of PS3 is left in the dust, getting you back in the action 3-4x faster. And with fast travel made convenient every bonfire, this speed enhancement greatly reduces frustration.

DLC & Mod Support Adds Replayability

While the base campaign retains the pure form of the original, the inclusion of the Artorias of the Abyss DLC adds a healthy 8+ hours of fresh adventures. Taking inspiration from Bloodborne, these new zones and enemies offer a thrilling evolution of the signature Souls formula.

The PS5 version also enables access to a range of gameplay & visual enhancement mods that let you fine tune the challenge or restore unused content. While not as extensive as PC, it‘s easy to tailor Dark Souls to your taste on PS5.

How Does the PS5 Version Compare Overall?

We‘ve analyzed the key next-gen consoles, here‘s how they all stack up:

ConsoleResolutionFramerateLoad Times
PS4 Pro1440p60fps14 seconds
PS54K60fps5 seconds
Xbox Series X4K60fps7 seconds

It‘s clear PS5 takes the crown with its uncompromising 4K 60fps performance, all but eliminating load times. Xbox Series X puts up strong numbers as well, but falls just short.

How does Dark Souls Remastered compare against Demons Souls and Elden Ring on PS5? Check back soon as I‘ll be diving deep on graphical showdowns and performance benchmarks!

The Definitive Way to Play a Classic

For any Dark Souls fans who somehow missed this iconic game the first time around, playing the Remaster on PS5 is simply the best way to experience a masterpiece of game design and worldbuilding.

And even if you‘ve sunk 100+ hours into the PS3 original, the dramatically enhanced visuals, buttery smooth combat, and near instant loading makes this feel like an entirely new journey.

I hope this breakdown gives fellow SoulsBorne fanatics all the details they need to plunge back into the fog shrouded darkness! Praise the sun and I‘ll see you in Lordran!

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