Is Far Cry New Dawn canon or not?

As a dedicated Far Cry gamer and content creator, I have done an deep dive into analyzing if the 2019 release Far Cry New Dawn is considered a canonical part of the FC universe or exists as a standalone spin-off. Looking at the data and developer intent, I can conclusively say that Yes, Far Cry New Dawn is canonical sequel to 2018‘s Far Cry 5 but its connections to the wider series are more fluid. Let‘s analyze this question in detail:

Key Details on Far Cry New Dawn

  • Release Date: February 15, 2019
  • Developer: Ubisoft Montreal
  • Set 17 years after nuclear war ending in Far Cry 5
  • Main setting is a post-apocalyptic Hope County, Montana
  • Features some returning characters from Far Cry 5

Far Cry New Dawn is a Direct Narrative Sequel to Far Cry 5

As a passionate Far Cry gamer who has analyzed the series extensively, I can definitively state that New Dawn continues the story of Far Cry 5 with clear narrative links.

The nuclear missile silos opened in Far Cry 5‘s ending triggers a global nuclear war referred to in-universe as "The Collapse." Far Cry New Dawn builds on this, showing a post-apocalyptic Hope County ruled by a now more powerful Eden‘s Gate cult led by returning antagonist Joseph Seed. Characters like Carmina, the daughter of Nick and Kim Rye from FC5, also return and reference past events and people.

Based on these explicit story connections, character appearances, and cause-and-effect links to FC5‘s ending, I believe New Dawn is absolutely a canon continuation rather than standalone side adventure. The developers consciously progressed the FC universe with hooks to the prequel game.

Far Cry Gaming Expert Analysis

As someone who has played and analyzed the Far Cry games extensively, New Dawn stands out to me as a direct sequel that progresses FC5‘s narrative in a bold new direction. Seeing a AAA open world franchise go post-apocalyptic while keeping narrative continuity is ambitious and makes New Dawn feel definitively canon rather than a one-off.

The return of Joseph Seed but with his cult now in control of Hope County also shows real, logical consequences from the actions of FC5. This expertly crafts a canon continuation in my analysis.

Far Cry New Dawn‘s Place in Series Continuity is Loose

However, while New Dawn is directly tied to FC5, analyzing its connections to the wider FC game series shows more ambiguous canon status. For example, recent entry Far Cry 6 seems to take place in an alternate world timeline without the global nuclear war from before.

References to other famous FC villains like Vaas and Pagan Min also feel more like Easter eggs rather than substantive continuity links.

So while clearly intended as a canon continuation of its direct predecessor, I believe tying New Dawn to the entire FC universe is less defined. It works best viewed through the specific lens of capping off Far Cry 5‘s narrative.

The Definitive Sequel to Far Cry 5

To conclusively answer the canon status question – Yes, Far Cry New Dawn is a full-fledged canonical sequel to Far Cry 5, progressing characters and plot threads from that game in creative ways. It evolution of Hope County into a risky post-apocalyptic frontier filled with fanatical cults and DIY weapons definitively screams "canon future" of the setting established in FC5.

But its connections to other entries rely more on nostalgic references than explicit continuity links. So while clearly the "what happens next" for fans wondering about FC5‘s ending, tying it to the entire sprawling franchise is less solidified. But for the specific question of capping off Far Cry 5‘s story, New Dawn is absolutely canonical.

By The Numbers: Critical & Fan Response to Far Cry New Dawn

Metacritic Score72%
Google User Rating4.3/5
Players on PSNProfiles.com76% score 80+
My Expert Review8.5/10

The above aggregator scores show strong critical and gamer reception to New Dawn, especially considering it was a lower-budget spin-off entry. This quantifiable data matches my expert qualitative analysis – fans welcomed New Dawn as a fresh yet canonically coherent continuation of the Far Cry 5 storyline.

The Takeaway as a Far Cry Gaming Specialist

While connections between entries in long-running video game franchises can naturally get complex, I hope this deep dive clearly analyzes Far Cry New Dawn‘s specific status – it is a canonical sequel to 2018‘s Far Cry 5, furthering specific plots, characters, and worldbuilding. Links to the rest of the series are more for fan service than continuity.

So for gamers wondering "what actually happens next" after that polarizing FC5 ending, New Dawn insightfully provides a possible post-apocalyptic future for Hope County. Backed by developer intent, narrative links, returning characters and more, this 2019 entry earns its status as the definitive canonical sequel to conclude Far Cry 5 on a wildly creative note.

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