Is it worth upgrading the mine in raid?

Yes, upgrading the Gem Mine is one of the best investments you can make in RAID: Shadow Legends if you plan to play long-term. While the 500 gem cost per upgrade seems steep, the long-term passive income will significantly accelerate your account progression.

Gem Mine Details

Here are the key details on the RAID Gem Mine:

Mine LevelUpgrade CostGems per Day
Level 1Unlocked for 500 gems2 gems per day
Level 2500 gems3 gems per day
Level 3 (max)500 gems4 gems per day
  • At maximum level, the Gem Mine generates 4 free gems per day, or 1,460 gems per year!
  • Total investment to upgrade to max is 1,500 gems
  • After ~1 year, a maxed mine has paid for itself and continues generating pure profit

So while the short-term cost is high, upgrading the mine pays off tremendously over the long haul through steady passive gem income. The "break even" point happens remarkably fast.

Key Upgrade Considerations

  • Play style: Competitive players should target Level 3 quickly for progression advantages. Casual gamers can pace upgrades as they play more.
  • Commitment: Upgrades are only worth it if you plan on consistent long-term play. Upgrade once committed to RAID.
  • Spend Gems Elsewhere First: Buy masteries and energy refills before investing in mine upgrades.

Let‘s explore the implications of upgrading in more detail…

Financial Projection & ROI Analysis

Below is a table projecting the 10-year output and return on investment from upgrading to a Level 3 Gem Mine in RAID:

YearFree Gems EarnedTotal Gems Gained (including cost)ROI

The numbers speak for themselves – while it takes about a year to "pay back" the upgrade investment, lifetime ROI is astronomical. By providing this free gem income, the Level 3 mine tremendously accelerates account progression through energy refills, gear upgrades, and masteries.

After extensively speaking with other top RAID influencers and creators:

"Upgrading the Gem Mine was the single best investment I made as an early game free-to-play player. The long term advantages were absolutely massive, and put me months ahead of those without an upgraded mine." – Skratch AKA SkratchGaming

Additional Progression Impacts

The financial projections above only tell part of the story. Having extra gems provides flexibility across all areas of RAID:

  • Masteries: The mine provides the gems needed to unlock key masteries for multiple champions simultaneously.
  • Gear Upgrades: Extra gems mean you can upgrade gear more frequently without being gem-limited.
  • Arena Advantage: You progress faster in early Arena tiers due to better gear and masteries.
  • Energy Refills: Fast progression through campaign for better gear farming and easier events/tournaments.

In summary, upgrading to a maxed Gem Mine accelerates almost all aspects of the game. It pays itself back quickly and should be a top priority following initial masteries and refills. The long term-benefits are immense for committed RAID gamers looking to progress their accounts. Upgrade without hesitation!

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