Yes, Kratos is Farbauti – And Here‘s What That Means

As astutely spotted by keen-eyed God of War fans decrypting the runes, Kratos is indeed referred to as "Farbauti" by the Jötnar in the secret mural uncovered at the end of the game. This crucial revelation confirms the long-held theory that Kratos is destined to assume the role of Loki‘s father in Norse mythos.

Who is Farbauti?

In Norse legends, Farbauti is a Jötunn – specifically the husband of Laufey and the father of Loki. His name translates to "cruel striker", likely referring to his penchant for vicious blows in battle and alludes to his associations with storm, lightning, and wildfires. These connections identify Farbauti as a deity wielding destructive might from natural forces.

This aligns closely with the character of Kratos, who harbors great rage and employs merciless techniques while fighting. As the Greek God of War, violence is intrinsic to his identity. The following stats showcase his formidable power:

  • Kratos has defeated 9 major Greek gods including Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades
  • Uses weapons imbued with ice, fire, lightning – elements linked to Farbauti
  • Signature moves like the Nemean Cestus reflect high damage-dealing playstyle
Greek GodNorse GodDamage/Battle Style
Kratos (God of War)FarbautiHigh, merciless, elemental rage

The connections between the two figures – from temperament to battle traits – help explain why the giants designated Kratos as Farbauti.

What Does This Mean for Kratos & Atreus?

By adopting the moniker of Farbauti, Kratos transforms from the fallen God of War into a key player in Norse mythology. More specifically, he inherits the role as the father of Loki and husband to the giantess Laufey (implied to be Faye).

This contextualizes his entire relationship with Atreus, who he has raised from childhood. According to the Jötnar‘s prophecies, the boy is fated to one day become Loki – the notorious trickster god who wreaks havoc in Asgard.

As "Farbauti", Kratos isn‘t just hiding out from his Greek past in the wilds of Midgard. Instead, he directly influences the upbringing of the eventual Loki. And perhaps his own teachings of self-mastery and temperance will shape the mischief stirred up by his son.

The Verdict: Farbauti Sets Up Kratos‘ Pivotal Role

Labeling the former Spartan warrior as "Farbauti" syncs his character into the framework of Norse lore. It elevates him from meddling foreign god to instrumental father figure. This revelation narratively justifies Kratos‘ presence in this new pantheon and foreshadows his vital involvement in occurrences to come.

From power dynamics to family ties, the re-christening of Kratos generates ripple effects across the fabric of fabled stories already woven. And as God of War Ragnarok looms ahead, the mystery of this god-turned-Jötunn shall certainly sit at the heart of both prophecy and apocalypse.

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