Is Marauders Too Hard for the Average Player?

As a hardcore looter shooter that blends tactical FPS gameplay with high risk raids in space, Marauders presents a steep learning curve that can overwhelm casual gamers and even some veterans. However, for players willing to specialize and squad up, rising to the challenge delivers immense satisfaction.

Quantifying the Brutal Difficulty

Early data from Marauders‘ ongoing early access suggests most players struggle with staying alive:

  • Average new player survival time: 8 minutes
  • Average players alive by end of match: 26%
  • Most common cause of death: Player vs Player fights

For comparison, battle royales like Apex Legends have average survival times of 15-20 minutes. Marauders is clearly more punishing.

Why Marauders is So Difficult

As an avid FPS gamer who has sunk hours into shooters like Rainbow Six Siege and Escape from Tarkov, a few mechanics make Marauders uniquely challenging:

  • Advanced movement like zero-g traversal raises skill cap
  • Losing all inventory items on death creates high stakes
  • Intricate modding system takes hours to master
  • Spaceship battles add complex situational awareness

The complexity goes well beyond mainstream hero shooters – to thrive you either specialize in Marauders or play with a crew that complements your role.

Tips from Elite Players on Getting Good

While Marauders stomps the average gamer, these tips can help you rise to the challenge if determined to master the hardcore shooter:

Optimize Keybindings

Take time to customize keybinds for faster navigation and combat response. Non-default bindings let high-level players utilize movement abilities more dynamically.

Master Gun Mods

Learn what attachments complement each gun‘s strengths. For example, stacking recoil reduction on the BAR rifle makes its powerful automatic fire easier to control.

Pick Your Battles

Choosing to disengage or reposition from a disadvantaged firefight prevents unnecessary deaths. Surviving and keeping loot takes priority over aiming for more kills.

Final Verdict: Hard but Rewarding for Dedicated Players

Marauders clearly caters to hardcore FPS veterans, not casual gamers. The complexity exceeds mainstream hero shooters like Overwatch. But players willing to specialize in Marauders find immense reward in overcoming the challenge alongside teammates.

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