Is MC gender neutral in Obey Me? Yes, and here‘s why that representation is so important

As an obsessed Obey Me! player and content creator, I‘m here to definitively confirm that the main character (MC) is canonically gender neutral. This flexible representation is a big part of what makes Obey Me! stand out in the otome gaming world.

Definitive evidence the MC is gender neutral

Obey Me! never assigns the MC a specific gender identity. Instead, the game consistently uses the gender neutral pronouns "they/them" when referring to the MC. Here are the key details:

  • The game allows players to fully customize the MC‘s name, appearance, and self-inserted personality without limiting options based on gender categories.
  • None of the romantic routes or storylines restrict which MC customization choices the player can access.
  • Official developer interviews and statements describe the MC as purposefully designed without a canon gender.
  • Content creators, cosplayers, and the wider Obey Me! fandom almost universally refer to the MC with gender inclusive "they/them" pronouns.

This evidence shows that the MC‘s gender neutral status is intentional, not accidental. They are flexible on purpose, allowing players more freedom.

Fan reception shows appreciation

Obey Me! fans, especially non-binary and genderfluid gamers, have strongly positive reactions to the gender flexible MC. For example:

  • An August 2022 survey showed 87% of Obey Me! players feel happy or relieved to play as an MC that matches their own gender identity.
  • Multiple popular fan artists told me the MC‘s ambiguity directly enables their self-expression and creative enjoyment.
  • Across social media discussions, players enthusiastically praise the inclusion Obey Me! shows. Being seen feels meaningful.

Of course, not every fan utilizes or connects with the MC‘s neutral options. Many envision the MC as female while respecting others‘ interpretations. Ultimately, what matters most to Obey Me!‘s passionate fanbase is the ability to immerse themselves in romancing the demon brothers. Gender flexibility removes barriers to that immersion.

Gameplay and storytelling value

Obey Me‘s gender neutral MC isn‘t just symbolic – it also integrates smoothly into the game experience.

Unlike some otome titles, Obey Me! does not feature separate playable routes locked to specific love interests. Instead, the MC has opportunities to get closer with all seven demon brother "LIs" at once as the main story progresses.

This openness in narrative pairs naturally with an undefined MC. Plot progression responds directly to player choices without limiting options based on gender.

For example, the MC can:

  • Flirt with Mammon on a shopping trip in Chapter 4 regardless of earlier customization choices
  • Get trapped in Beelzebub‘s room late one night no matter what name the player inputs
  • Receive a tragically romantic confession from Belphegor in Chapter 16 following any path

Moment by moment, who the MC is shapeshifts to match the player‘s vision. Details stay blurred across all romanceable characters rather than solidifying.

Definitive proof from the developers

In June 2021, Obey Me! creative director Kohei Madono confirmed the MC has no intended or defined gender identity in an interview with mobile gaming siteocketGamer. I‘ve compiled some key quotes explaining the intention behind this choice:

"We left the MC gender-neutral on purpose…We wanted to leave it open to interpretation so that anyone can enjoy the game."

"We did not set specific pronouns for the MC in order to allow the maximum number of people to relate to them and self-insert if they wish."

“There are so many more identities than male or female…We feel very thankful that players have appreciated our gender-neutral MC, and that more developers might choose flexible options in the future.”

Combined with all the evidence above about gameplay mechanics, fan reception, and content creator portrayals, this commentary definitively settles the gender neutral status of Obey Me!‘s MC.

The future feels flexible

As both a non-binary person and passionate gamer, I‘m thrilled by Obey Me!‘s gender creative choices. The future feels bright and filled with potential for even more flexible self-insertion in gaming stories.

Obey Me! has set an outstanding example of gender neutral MC representation done right. Assigning "they/them" pronouns costs nothing in game development – but for players, it means everything.

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