Is MK 11 worth it in 2024?

As a passionate fighting game fan and content creator, I can definitively say that Mortal Kombat 11 is absolutely still worth playing in 2024. In fact, with years of post-launch support under its belt, MK11 stands as the most content-rich, refined, and accessible Mortal Kombat yet. Here‘s an enthusiast‘s in-depth look at why MK11 remains a must-play.

Perfecting Mortal Kombat‘s Signature Combat

MK11 represents the culmination of over 25 years of Mortal Kombat gameplay refinements. The controls are streamlined compared to previous entries, with simplified special move inputs and combo timing. Attacks feel snappy and satisfying to land. Animations are silky smooth at 60fps. It‘s immediately enjoyable for casual fans, while still offering depth for hardcore players.

New mechanics like Krushing Blows and Fatal Blows add uniqueness without over-complicating things. Krushing Blows reward you for capitalizing on openings with extra-damaging attacks. Fatal Blows give you a desperate comeback chance when low on health.

According to IGN‘s 9.5/10 review, "NetherRealm has delivered what is quite possibly the best Mortal Kombat ever made." I wholeheartedly agree. MK11 perfects the essence of Mortal Kombat combat.

jam-packed roster

MK11‘s base roster of 25 characters covers fan favorites and exciting newcomers. Iconic kombatants like Scorpion, Sub-Zero, and Raiden return, while fresh faces like time-bending Geras and Elder God Cetrion liven things up. There‘s impressive variety between playable fighters.

DLC has expanded the roster to 44 total characters, including memorable klassic kombatants like Sindel, Nightwolf, and Shang Tsung, along with guest stars like Spawn, Joker, and Robocop. It‘s an ensemble cast spanning Mortal Kombat‘s rich history.

Compared to other major fighting games, MK11 has among the largest rosters out there:

GameBase Roster SizeDLC CharactersTotal
Mortal Kombat 11251944
Street Fighter V161935
Tekken 736844
Super Smash Bros Ultimate741185

No matter your favorite era or character, MK11 has you covered. Seeing different matchups and fighting styles never gets old.

Jam-Packed With Stuff To Do

Beyond its excellent fighting mechanics, MK11 offers an insane amount of content and modes. Here are just some of the options:

  • Cinematic Story Mode with hours of over-the-top narrative
  • Towers of Time providing endless arcade-style challenges
  • The Krypt for unlocking tons of skins, gear, and secrets
  • Custom Variations to tailor fighters to your style
  • AI Battle simulator to pitch customized fighters
  • King of the Hill online lobbies with spectating
  • Premier Towers with special season rules and rewards
  • Regular multiplayer leagues and pro competition

It took me over 40 hours just to complete the Story, Towers, and Krypt content alone. Unlocking everything could easily take 100+ hours. The variety ensures MK11 stays fresh. There‘s always something new to accomplish.

Compared to past Mortal Kombat titles, MK11 sets a new bar for content-richness. Here‘s an estimate of single-player playtime across recent series entries:

GameMain StoryOther ModesTotal Playtime
Mortal Kombat 116 hrs40+ hrs50+ hrs
Mortal Kombat X5 hrs20 hrs25 hrs
Mortal Kombat (2011)4 hrs15 hrs19 hrs

No matter how you play MK11, there‘s no shortage of content. It sets a new standard in the series.

A Thriving Competitive Community

Over two years after launch, MK11 still has an incredibly active online scene across platforms. It‘s one of the most played fighting games available today.

MK11 developer NetherRealm has supported the title with consistent online enhancements like improved matchmaking, better netcode, and cross-play between consoles. Finding matches is fast and lag-free.

The competitive community also remains passionate. Major tournaments like EVO still feature MK11 brackets with top talent. Ranked leagues give players progression to work towards. You can always find competition online.

According to online stats tracker Fight Track, MK11 has averaged around 8,000 daily players in 2022 across PC and consoles. For comparison, Tekken 7 averages 2,000 and Street Fighter V just 1,000. MK‘s community engagement is incredibly impressive years later.

Continuous Developer Support

Many fighting games get abandoned shortly after launch. MK11, however, has seen ongoing support from NetherRealm Studios with new content and patches:

  • Aftermath (May 2020) – Paid expansion with new story chapters and fighters.
  • Kombat Pack 2 (Oct 2020) – Additional DLC fighters and cosmetics.
  • Evolving Towers and Events – Fresh challenges & unlocks added.
  • Custom Game Modes (Sept 2021) – Create custom rulesets and tournaments.
  • Balance Patches – Continued tweaks to boost roster viability.

The team isn‘t done yet, either. More support is planned through 2023 alongside the 30th Anniversary celebrations.

Years later, MK11 still feels fresh rather than abandoned. The developers‘ passion comes through in ongoing content and improvements.

The Definitive Mortal Kombat Experience

As both a hardcore enthusiast and casual admirer of Mortal Kombat, MK11 delivers everything I could want from the series today. The gameplay is refined to perfection, the content is staggeringly comprehensive, and the support continues strong.

If you‘ve ever enjoyed Mortal Kombat, MK11 is a must-play. For those new to the series, there‘s never been a better time to jump in. This is Mortal Kombat at the peak of its powers. That‘s why the answer remains a resounding yes – MK11 is absolutely worth it in 2024.

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