Is Scorpion Actually Related to Noob Saibot in Mortal Kombat?

As a long-time Mortal Kombat gamer and content creator, one of the most common questions I‘m asked regards the actual connection between these iconic fighters – so let‘s dive in and explore whether Scorpion and Noob Saibot truly share a bloodline or common ancestry in MK lore.

Demystifying Their Origins and Backstories

Scorpion and Noob Saibot have two of the most intertwined origin stories in the entire franchise,despite not being biological relatives per se.

Scorpion was originally Hanzo Hasashi, a skilled ninja warrior and general of the Shria Ryu clan known for his fury and penchant for vengeance. His life changed when his family and entire Shirai Ryu clan were brutally massacred by a rival ninja clan known as the Lin Kuei. Believing the Lin Kuei warrior Sub-Zero responsible, Hanzo was consumed with retribution before ultimately perishing at the hands of Sub-Zero as well.

However, the sorcerer Quan Chi resurrected Hanzo and gave him powers over hellfire, as well as a mystically-enhanced spear and noose tied to the Netherrealm, all tools befitting the spectre Scorpion who arose to seek further vengeance against those who wronged him.

Noob Saibot originated as Bi-Han – the original Sub-Zero introduced in early Mortal Kombat lore. As part of the cryomancer assassins of the Lin Kuei clan, he wielded powerful control over ice to vanquish his enemies. It was Bi-Han as the first Sub-Zero who was dispatched to slay Hanzo Hasashi and massacred his entire Shirai Ryu people. Upon being killed in return by Scorpion later on, the dark sorcerer Quan Chi ultimately resurrected and corrupted Bi-Han‘s soul into Noob Saibot – a vengeful wraith who retained his memories and bitter hatred for Scorpion into their new undead states of being.

So while not related by blood, Scorpion and Noob Saibot share intertwined histories defined by a cycle of vengeance, death, and rebirth orchestrated by the sinister demon sorcerer Quan Chi over the course of several timelines. Their interconnected past binds them eternally through mortal grudges and hatred as undead adversaries.

Scorpion Noob Saibot
  • True Identity: Hanzo Hasashi
  • Human Clan: Shria Ryu
  • Powers: Hellfire manipulation, spear and noose
  • Aligned with Netherrealm
  • True Identity: Original Sub-Zero (Bi Han)
  • Human Clan: Lin Kuei cryomancers
  • Powers: Umbrakinesis and cryomancy
  • Aligned with Netherrealm and Brotherhood of Shadow

Analyzing Their Powers, Abilities and Fighting Styles

Despite starting off as human warriors, both Scorpion and Noob Saibot gained tremendous powers through supernatural rebirths orchestrated by Quan Chi‘s dark sorcery. Their new abilities fuel their rivalry and shape their iconic fighting styles seen throughout Mortal Kombat media.

Scorpion channels the hellfire and rage that fuels him into a relentless offensive onslaught against opponents. His Hellsfire teleport attacks strike quickly with blows enhanced through demon magic. His trademark spear allows him to draw enemies in with his infamous "Get over here!" taunts when successfully landed. Scorpion also carries twin ninja swords he readily ignites to inflict added burns and lacerations through amplified strikes.

By comparison, Noob Saibot leverages more cunning tactics and trickery befitting his shadowy new form. His disorienting Shadow Teleport allows him to vanish and reappear rapidly from different angles to confuse foes. Noob‘s unique ability to create shadow clones of himself enables additional guerilla strikes to overwhelm adversaries through relentless waves of doubling attacks. And when closer in, Noob‘s adaptive martial arts combine sharp precision strikes with battering dark energy-enhanced launches and slams.

Both Netherrealm spectres amplify their movesets with ghastly projectiles – Noob hurling volatile shadow orbs while Scorpion spews flaming skull icons that track targets. And their expert combat knowledge persists from their human pasts – Scorpion‘s recognized as the superior martial artist whereas Noob (as original Sub-Zero) mastered a lethal assassination style through cryomancy.

Scorpion Noob Saibot

Fighting Style: Offensive ninjutsu
Key Attacks: Spear, Swords, Hellfire

Signature Moves: Flaming Skull, Hellfire Punch
Fatalities: Hellish Dismemberment, Toasty!!!

Fighting Style: Deceptive assassin

Key Attacks: Shadow clones, Teleports
Signature Moves: Shadow Charge, Saibot Uplift

Fatalities: Make a Wish, Shotgun Surgery

Viewing video depiction helps showcase their contrasting styles:

"Scorpion and Noob Saibot have always had complementary fighting styles despite their opposing elements," says Maximilian Dood, prominent fighting game expert. "Where Scorpion is the hot-blooded aggressor always on offense, Noob relies on deception and counters to trip up adversaries with shadowy mirrors of attacks."

Timelines and Evolutions Across Franchise History

As two of MK‘s original and most recognizable characters, Scorpion and Noob Saibot have evolved prominently across Mortal Kombat‘s convoluted background lore and shifting timelines:

Mortal Kombat Mythologies: Sub-Zero Origins

This 1997 prequel revealed Bi-Han‘s early history carrying out clandestine missions for the Lin Kuei before the first tournament. We witness his ruthless assassin skills throughout before his fateful confrontation with Scorpion shows how vengeance outweighed mission priorities.

Mortal Kombat (2011) Alternate Continuity

A plot revisit that retcons some elements – we see Bi Han kill Scorpion‘s revived family in Scorpion‘s Mortal Kombat 4 ending rather than Quan Chi‘s fabrications driving vengeance. Later he reappears revived by Quan Chi again as Noob Saibot.

Mortal Kombat 11 Aftermath + Time Merges

Noob Saibot prepares to join Kronika and the Brotherhood of Shadow before being dragged back to the past and soul-fused with his alive human self in one catastrophic merge that seemingly eradicates him completely.

Mortal Kombat 11 Ultimate + Separation

Fire and Netherrealm God Liu Kang would intervene and utilize soul magic to re-separate Noob Saibot‘s consciousness from Bi-Han, allowing the shadow wraith to rise once more.

Through all alternate timelines and spacetime distortions, the bitter antagonism between Scorpion and Noob persists as one of MK‘s defining rivalries.

Final Analysis: Who Would Win In A Fight?

Given their updated powers scaling towards demigod tiers of strength now, it‘s debatable who would prevail in an all-out duel between these raging adversaries. As parallel spectres of vengeance overflowing with hatred for one another, their fights often end in extremely close calls or draws.

Most recently in MK11‘s story mode, Scorpion and Noob Saibot battled yet again within Shang Tsung‘s island courtyards and it was a very evenly contested melee ending without conclusion. In this writer‘s opinion, Scorpion seems to regularly demonstrate greater fortitude and his Will of Fire in defeating assailants against all odds when sufficiently provoked. Scorpion‘s embodiment of retribution means Noob Saibot‘s tricks may not overcome his relentless hellfire onslaught.

But Noob has overcome death itself twice now – his own and later being erased from timelines and history altogether. That persistent re-emergence speaks to an underlying toughness befitting a wraith. Noob Saibot‘s cunning ambush tactics could certainly catch Scorpion off-guard on the right occasion for an upset where skill overrides fury. Their rivalry shall remain eternally unsettled it seems!

What do you think – does Scorpion or Noob Saibot ultimately prevail more often in canon or gameplay showdowns in your experience? Share your opinions on this legendary ninja rivalry below!

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