Is Sigmar or 40k more Popular Among Warhammer Fans?

As a long time Warhammer gamer and content creator, I can definitively say Warhammer 40,000 remains the most popular miniatures game. However, Age of Sigmar interest and sales continue growing at an impressive rate!

40k has been the dominant force in the Warhammer hobby for over 30 years now. And with good reason – once you dive into its dark gothic universe, rich backstories, and factions like the valiant Space Marines it’s hard not to become obsessed with unlocking all its secrets.

Make no mistake, Age of Sigmar is still the younger sibling. But as someone passionate about the success and growth of the hobby as a whole, I’m excited by the influx of new players it‘s attracting.

Let‘s break down why 40k maintains its crown, and how Age of Sigmar continues winning more fans:

Why Does 40k Remain So Much More Popular Than Age of Sigmar?

As the original tabletop Warhammer game with 30+ years more of lore, novels, stories and artwork behind it 40k has had far longer to build out its backgrounds for all forces involved. For context there are currently 21 playable 40k factions – each with numerous sub-factions, legendary characters and unit types.

This creates a tremendously rich, expansive (and let‘s admit it, downright intimidating for newcomers!) universe to get lost in. Age of Sigmar is just starting to scratch the surface of this kind of backstory.

Grimdark Gothic Aesthetic More Appealing to Many

While Mortal Realms features vibrant, almost psychedelic landscapes – 40k oozes dark gothic tones akin to the heavy metal album covers that likely adorned your high school math books too. This instantly recognizable grim dark style continues appealing to old and new gamers who want to control not squeaky-clean noblebright heroes but gritty, battle-scarred veterans like Space Marine Chapter Masters.

Space Marine Art

Art like this showing the gritty existence of Space Marines drives 40k‘s popularity (Credit: Games Workshop)

More Complex Gameplay Rewards Deep Understanding

40k also offers greater depth around army list building, controlling terrain and using line of sight for weapons fire based maneuvers. There are more defined rules around cover saves, wound allocation, damage charts, psykers and stratagems.

By comparison Age of Sigmar has intentionally simplified many gameplay aspects to allow quicker, more flowing games. This means less punishing complexity for newcomers, but also perhaps less satisfaction for veteran players who enjoy exploring deep gameplay mechanics and strategies.

Video Games Spotlight 40k World and Factions

Many fans‘ first introduction to the Warhammer 40,000 IP is through critically acclaimed video games like Dawn of War, Space Marine or Battlefleet Gothic Armada. These spotlight now iconic factions like Space Marines or the Sisters Of Battle driving interest and familiarity with the 40k universe.

While great games exist for the old Warhammer Fantasy world, there has not been as much spotlight for the new Age of Sigmar setting and characters. So video games help expand 40k‘s mindshare and popularity.

How Has Interest in Age of Sigmar Grown Since Launch in 2015?

When Age of Sigmar initially replaced Warhammer Fantasy in 2015 there was skepticism and resistance among many deeply invested fantasy players. However, new edition launches and greater exposure has seen interest rapidly rise particularly among newer hobbyists:

Easier to Get Into Hobby With Streamlined Rules

Age of Sigmar reduces reliance on charts, complex modifiers and stratagems. This lowers the barrier to entry allowing new players to focus more on tabletop tactics and just enjoying the impressive new model range. Strong value boxed sets like Dominion also help onboard new gamers affordably.

Table: Age of Sigmar Starter Sets for New Players

Dominion (3.0)83$199
Warrior starter sets31$99
Various Start Collecting boxes4-8$95

And this gateway drug effect works! Over 50% of new Age of Sigmar players last year were brand new to Warhammer as a whole according to Games Workshop.

Regular New Model Releases

Age of Sigmar sees frequent new miniature box sets which maintains existing player engagement and spending, as well as sparking interest from historical Warhammer Fantasy players.

So far in 2022 there have already been 16 new Age of Sigmar kits released – including spectacular centerpiece models like the Hurakan Windmage – while 40k has seen 11 releases. This shows the company‘s ongoing investment into the game system‘s growth.

Sales Growth Rate Matching 40k‘s Gains

Per Games Workshop‘s 2021 Annual Report both 40k and Age of Sigmar saw sales expand around 25% on prior years. While 40k still hugely dominates at 65% of sales, Age of Sigmar has grown from 12% to 15% of revenue.

So while Age of Sigmar likely will never overtake 40k‘s popularity – it is successfully attracting newcomers and growing the overall hobby which benefits fans of both systems.

The Verdict? 40k Remains Dominant, But Age of Sigmar Goes From Strength To Strength

For diehard fans who still mourn the loss of the Old World and Warhammer Fantasy Battles (trust me, Slayer oaths compel me to never forgive either!) it can be hard admitting that Age of Sigmar is actually delivering.

As someone who‘s hosted magazine columns, podcasts and YouTube battle reports for decades I‘ve seen my fair share of edition changes and controversy.

My honest take? Age of Sigmar‘s streamlined gameplay and awesome new models do appeal better to younger or newer gamers compared to extensively detailed older systems. And attracting these next generation players ensures the hobby keeps growing.

There‘s room for old stalwarts like 40k and vibrant new worlds like Age of Sigmar to each develop passionate followings – even occasionally crossing over as we‘ve seen with Spyderscaling‘s Kragnos.

I‘m thrilled to see the Warhammer hobby continue expanding whichever realm that growth comes from. Now if you‘ll excuse me, I have an Oathsworn warband to prepare for a weekend Age of Sigmar tournament. Just don‘t tell my Space Wolf successors!

What are your thoughts on 40k vs Age of Sigmar‘s popularity? I read every comment so let me know your take!

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