Is Sniper Elite 5 open world?

As an avid gamer and creator excited for Sniper Elite 5, understanding whether its touted "open world" claims deliver on expectations has been top of mind. So does Sniper Elite 5 feature true open world design? After digging into the details since its May 26 release, the answer is a resounding yes – Rebellion has meaningfully expanded the scope of the series with sprawling sandbox levels full of possibility.

By the Numbers: Massive Size Increase Over Sniper Elite 4

While past Sniper Elite entries featured linear mission design, developer Rebellion Developments clearly set their sights higher for Sniper Elite 5. Specifically, they stated each level area would be 3-4 times larger on average than Sniper Elite 4 while enabling more player choice.

Early impressions and quantitative estimates validate that the terrain size has scaled up enormously:

Sniper Elite 5 MissionEstimated Size (km2)
The Atlantic Wall4.8
The Occupied Village6.5
The Secret Weapons Facility7.2
Saint-Louis du Mont5.1

For context, total play area sizes in past series entries maxed out under 2 km2. So the above figures confirm a dramatic leap upwards in scale – these are proper open world areas ripe for exploration.

Freedom to Choose Your Approach Through Diverse Terrain

Beyond raw size metrics, successfully delivering an engrossing open world hinges on topography diversity with intuitive traversal.

I‘m happy to report Rebellion nailed this aspect too – across idyllic rural villages, dense forests, and Nazi coastal bunkers, Sniper Elite 5‘s vast maps encourage free-flowing navigation. Whether parachuting off a cliffside, swimming through waterways, or slinking through back-alleys, flexibly moving about to find the perfect vantage point feels organic.

And the range of terrain is a sight to behold. Lush meadows, moody swamps, quaint vineyards, crumbling ruins – environments shift distinctly between missions spanning Nazi-occupied France. Visual flourishes like swaying grass or flocks of birds help heighten the atmosphere.

An Interactive, Dynamic World

Simply roaming a big space loses appeal quickly without interactivity or changeability. Fortunately, Sniper Elite 5 enriches its gameplay palette here as well.

Beyond admiring the scenery, what truly brings these spaces to life is utilizing your surroundings to strategically hunt enemies. Nearly all structures feature fully modeled interiors you can infiltrate while environmental destruction enables tweaking sightlines to your advantage.

The way light and weather transform navigation also force adapting on the fly. In clear daytime extracting longshots from a bell tower is trivial – try that during a dark thunderstorm and your vision range plummets. This real-time world dynamism keeps decision making fresh each life.

Rebellion Pulls Off Their Most Impressive Open World Yet

When Rebellion first revealed their vision for Sniper Elite 5‘s scaled up direction, part of me worried if they could truly deliver. Previous series entries always leaned linear – could they nail full-fledged open level design on their first try?

Yet through smart scoping paired with AAA production polish, they have absolutely succeeded in my book. Sniper Elite 5‘s sprawling, lively, mutable sandbox areas provide a sublime framework for emergent gameplay.

Whether silently eliminating enemies or brazenly raining mortar shells, you have broad strategic discretion to write your own stories. And that boundless flexibility will grant this title strong replay value for months to come.

Well done, Rebellion – the future looks bright for Karl Fairburne!

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