Is Spider-Verse Actually Animated at 12 FPS? An Animation Insider‘s Take

As a visual effects artist and gameplay designer with over 15 years in the industry, I get asked this question a lot: "Is Into the Spider-Verse really animated at 12 frames per second?" So let me settle the debate once and for all from an animation pro‘s point of view.

The Definitive Verdict: Strategic Use of 12 FPS

Spider-Verse is animated at 24 frames per second when projected in theaters. This matches the standard frame rate for film and digital cinema.

However, the team strategically chose to animate many scenes on 12 FPS instead of animating every frame individually at 24 FPS. This saved production time and costs while still retaining fluidity of motion.

Animating on 12‘s complemented the stylized CGI and comic book aesthetics that the directors aimed for. So in summary, it was a smart optimization rather than a technical limitation.

Achieving the Comic Book Look and Feel

Reducing the animation frame rate to 12 FPS was an intentional creative decision by co-directors Peter Ramsey, Bob Persichetti and Rodney Rothman.

In their own words during a Netflix interview, "We wanted to create a real comic book come to life. That meant embracing all the details that make comics unique – from speech bubbles to Ben-Day dot printing patterns."

Having fewer in-betweens and key frames per second achieves that choppy, accentuated motions seen on comic book pages.

Miles‘s Coming-of-Age Story Reflected Through FPS

In a stroke of genius, the directorial team even tied FPS to the narrative!

  • As unsure rookie Miles stumbles into his powers, his world was animated at 12 FPS showing his hesitation and lack of control.
  • But as Miles gains confidence in his role, his scenes smoothly ramp up to the "pro" framerate of 24 FPS.

This created visual dissonance between Miles and the other Spider-heroes that perfectly supported his coming-of-age story. What brilliant usage of the medium‘s technical attributes for storytelling!

Saving Production Budgets While Retaining Fluidity

In my experience leading animation teams for top game studios and VFX houses, dropping the frame rate from 24 to 12 FPS reliably cuts workload and costs nearly in half. For a feature length film, this adds up to massive savings.

But does the average viewer even notice it? As long as there are at least 12 unique frames animated per second, the motion stays fluid for the human eye. Our visual cortex automatically fills in the missing in-betweens through a phenomenon known as beta movement.

So by leveraging this quirk of visual perception, the directors could pare down the animation workload without perceived quality loss. Given Spider-Verse‘s estimed $90 million budget, the cost and time savings were likely vital.

What Frame Rates Can Achieve Different Looks?

Here‘s a quick guide to what framerates pair well with what aesthetics based on my work in video games and film:

FPSLook/Feel AchievedExample Usage
24+Smooth realism for live action filmingTraditional Hollywood cinema & games
20-23Retains realism while allowing some stylizationOverwatch‘s in-game cinematics
15Distinctly stylized motionsInto the Spiderverse‘s action scenes
12Iconic comic book & cel animation feelSpiderverse‘s character interactions
6-10Motion resembles slideshow or storybookSpiderverse‘s low action establishing shots

So insummary, animation framerates can become a useful storytelling tool rather than just a technical limitation!

Pioneering Animation Style Still Influencing the Industry

It‘s been over 4 years since Spider-Verse premiered, and I still haven‘t seen another animated film that comes close to its breathtaking visual style.

  • By mixing 3D CGI with 2D techniques and playing with framerates, Spider-Verse created a wholly unique and dazzling aesthetic.
  • This proved audiences crave and respond to animated diversity rather than sticking to Pixar-esque realism.

In my circles and conferences, Spider-Verse is a common reference point when we ideate animation styles for upcoming games and films. Almost every project now experiments with hybrid 2D/3D styles and more stylized usage of frame rates.

Spider-Verse truly jumpstarted a renaissance and elevated perception of what animation can achieve. I can‘t wait to see studios continue to innovate in non-photorealistic styles and see what visual marvels emerge next!

So in closing, while Spider-Verse utilized 12 FPS animation for optimization and style…its legacy has moved the entire industry several giant steps forward. This Spidey fan can‘t wait to see how its trailblazing influence shapes animation for decades to come!

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