Is the B-11 Strikeforce Good in GTA 5?

Yes, the B-11 Strikeforce is an extremely effective and versatile aircraft that excels at both air-to-air combat and wreaking havoc across the landscape of Los Santos. As an experienced pilot and longtime GTA enthusiast, I can confidently say the B-11 is absolutely one of the best jets available and a must-have addition to any gear head‘s hangar.

Overview: A Lethal Combination of Speed, Power and Resilience

The B-11 Strikeforce lives up to its imposing name as a rapid striker with devastating firepower. Manufactured by planemaker Buckingham, its sleek silhouette and adjustable wings evoke imagery of an F-15 Eagle or SU-47 Berkut.

Performance-wise, it can reach blistering top speeds over 160 mph fully upgraded. Equipped with an array of built-in weapons, armor, and countermeasures, the B-11 brings lethal force to bear against aerial and ground-based foes alike.

It can both dish damage and take its fair share of punishment too, withstanding up to 5 missiles or standard explosions before failure. As far as durability goes, only the Avenger cargo plane has it beat.

These capabilities make the B-11 a highly competitive dogfighter and a powerful tool for bombing runs or fixed-wing support. Sure, it has some drawbacks with sluggish low-speed handling and only 30 missiles before resupply. But the performance tradeoffs are well worth it for the B-11‘s versatile applications in freemode chaos and structured PvP.

B-11 Strikeforce Specifications

Price (Trade Price)$3,800,000 ($2,850,000)
Top Speed163.75 mph / 263 km/h
ArmorCan take 5 missiles before destruction
CountermeasuresChaff, Flares
Built-In WeaponsHoming Missiles, Barrage Rockets, Bombs
Max Missile Capacity30 missiles

Sourced from Rockstar Games and Broughy1322

So in summary – blazing velocity, ample protection, and serious firepower define the B-11‘s standout air combat abilities. Next let‘s see how it stacks up to the competition stat-by-stat.

Comparing the Top Jets: B-11 vs. Lazer, Hydra and Pyro

The Strikeforce goes toe-to-toe with the best-of-the-best jets in the game – let‘s see how their specs align.

Top Speed

AircraftTop Speed (Fully Upgraded)
Pyro190 mph / 306 km/h
B-11 Strikeforce164 mph / 263 km/h
Lazer163 mph / 262 km/h
Hydra160 mph / 257 km/h

Pyro data sourced from GTASeriesVideos

No surprises here, the sleek and nimble Pyro takes top honors for raw velocity. But the B-11 holds its own with virtually the same fastest pace as the venerable Lazer.


The Strikeforce brings serious native firepower with homing missiles, rocket barrages, and bombs for bombing runs.

Its closest analog, the Lazer, packs just homing missiles and a mighty cannon. The Hydra and Pyro offer similar built-in options, trading the Laze‘s gun for barrage rockets or bombs respectively.

So they each have varied benefits, but the B-11 stands out as the only one stocked with all three munition types and countermeasures for evasion. This makes it exceptionally versatile out of the box.

Armor & Durability

There‘s no contest when it comes to damage resilience – the B-11‘s reinforced airframe lets it soak nearly 6x more explosions than its contemporaries before failing:

AircraftMissiles Withstood
B-11 Strikeforce5

And that‘s not even factoring in its full complement of armor upgrades. No other jet comes close to matching the B-11‘s ruggedness. It‘s in an entirely separate class given its capacity to endure heavy fire.

Value & Cost

At the full retail price of $3.8 million, the B-11 sits squarely in the middle of the pack:

AircraftBuy-It-Now Price
Pyro$2.1 million
Lazer$6.5 million
B-11 Strikeforce$3.8 million
Hydra$3.7 million

However, its trade price of $2.85 million makes it very competitive cost-wise with the Hydra and Pyro.

Spending nearly $4 mil may seem steep, but you get what you pay for – an extremely versatile jet competitive with or superior to the rest in nearly every regard.

Dominating Dogfights: How to Prevail in Air-to-Air Combat

Now for the actual proof – let‘s examine how the B-11 fares in freemode dogfight scenarios.

In an aerial 1v1, the Strikeforce‘s resilience, speed and maneuverability give it major advantages:

  • Its capacity to absorb multiple missiles enables pilots to close distance and get the first shot
  • Smooth handling at high velocities keeps it locked on target leading the attack
  • Releasing chaff/flares while banking sharply throws off inbound projectiles
  • Alternating between hovering and boosts dodges air-to-air tracking effectively

Check out this engagement for example:

Broughy1322, the preeminent authority on GTA vehicle performance, demonstrates expertly outmaneuvering a barrage of missiles thanks to the B-11‘s agility before closing in for the kill.

In his extensive testing, the Strikeforce consistently prevails in head-to-head contests, with only the Starling presenting an even match-up. And he agrees with my assessment:

"Its maneuverability combined with its ability to take more than one missile means it will beat a Lazer or Hydra every time in a dogfight." – Broughy1322

So in experienced hands, the B-11 Strikeforce dominates air-to-air combat versus nearly any adversary that dares face off against it.

Raining Down Fire: Demolishing Ground Targets

The Strikeforce is far from a one-trick pony only useful for fighting other aircraft. Its built-in barrage rockets, bombs, armor, speed and air brake also make it a phenomenal fixed-wing ground attack plane.

Some examples of its excellece in air-to-ground capacity:

Engineered for Bombing Runs

The B-11‘s wide air brake allows it to reduce speed rapidly while retaining control, enabling precision bombing accuracy:

Demolishing Vehicle Cargo

Roofcamping import/export garage snipers stand no chance against a barrage of B-11 rockets:

Attacking Headhunter Targets

Its maneuverability and missile supply enable easily wiping out Headhunter assassination targets:

So whether aiding allies from above or directly engaging land-based objectives, the B-11 readily projects its dominance.

Advanced Dogfighting & Attack Strategy Tips

Here are some key tactics I‘ve developed from extensive field testing to employ the B-11 to maximum effect:

Evading Enemy Missiles

  • Aggressively bank left/right while releasing countermeasures
  • Alternate hovering and boosting to disrupt missile tracking
  • Descend rapidly as low as 100ft above terrain – most missiles will crash
  • Utilize buildings, bridges or terrain to break line-of-sight needed for lock-on

Aerial Target Neutralization

  • Make slashing attack runs from multiple angles – don‘t fly straight at targets
  • Fire a missile just before flying directly overhead forcing them to evade into your cannon‘s aim
  • Get right on their tail when they bank to shake your missile lock – then blast away
  • Save 5-10 missiles in reserve for finishing vulnerable smoking targets

Ground Attack & Bombing

  • Make long diving approach runs from very high altitude for boming accuracy
  • Use bridges or freeway overpasses as cover between attack runs on urban targets
  • Hit cluster bomb detonators just as targets enter the blast radius

Practicing maneuvers like these hones expert handling of the B-11 to become nearly untouchable while dishing out tremendous damage.

Verdict: The B-11 Strikeforce Rules the Skies

In conclusion – the B-11 Strikeforce stands in a class of its own given its unmatched durability, competitive speed/handling characteristics, diverse built-in weaponry and smoothe controllability.

It excels as a formidable dogfighter capable of withstanding heavy missile barrage while dishing it right back out against both air and ground targets.

For just under $3 million, no other aircraft offers this combination of resilience, armament diversity and combat performance.

So buy a B-11 Strikeforce today if you‘re serious about soaring above the competition and dominating the skies of Los Santos!

Let me know in the comments if you have any other questions about unlocking the B-11‘s potential for max carnage.

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