Should You Join All Factions in Fallout 4?

No, it is not possible to maintain membership with the Railroad, Brotherhood of Steel, Institute and Minutemen factions until Fallout 4‘s endgame. You will eventually be forced to turn against all other groups except one final faction that you side with.

Why Opposing Factions Turn Against One Another

Fallout 4‘s major factions have deep ideological differences and goals that ensure conflict:

  • The Institute views Commonwealth inhabitants and synths as resources to further their shadowy science agenda
  • The Brotherhood of Steel wants to hoard pre-war technology and eradicate synths and mutants
  • The Railroad dedicates itself to freeing synths from slavery and Institute control
  • The Minutemen oppose the tyranny and chaos caused by groups like the Institute and Raiders
FactionPrimary EnemiesReason for Conflict
Views synths and Commonwealth as resources to exploit
See synths and Institute tech as threats to exterminate
Must defend liberated synths from these factions
MinutemenInstituteSee Institute as source of Commonwealth‘s chaos and suffering

Recommended Route to See the Most Content

While you cannot ally with all factions forever, you can experience significant questlines for the Brotherhood, Railroad and Institute before the endgame forces you to pick a side.

Follow this route to see the most Fallout 4 has to offer:

  • Early Game: Join Brotherhood, Railroad and Institute by completing their invitation quests
  • Mid Game: Complete side quests and radiants for those three factions
  • End Game: Progress with Minutemen to destroy the Institute, maintain chance for peace

The Minutemen offer flexibility to eliminate the divisive Institute while working with other groups like the Railroad and Brotherhood in the finale.

So in summary – no, do not attempt to join every faction permanently. But with careful planning, you can experience the strengths each has to offer! Let me know if you have any other questions.

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