Should you purify a perfect shadow in Pokémon GO?

The short answer is – it depends. Purifying a perfect shadow Pokémon will result in a 100% IV specimen. However, retaining it as a shadow provides a hefty 20% damage boost. There are solid arguments on both sides, so let‘s dive deeper.

Shadow Pokémon Pros

Shadow Pokémon deal 20% more damage when attacking. This arises from their innate attack boost passive. With the right specimens, that overpowers the attack drop from their reduced IVs.

Top attackers like Shadow Mewtwo and Shadow Metagross inflict devasting damage. They regularly top raid and gym counters rankings.

PokemonBest MovesetOverallRaid
Shadow MewtwoPsycho Cut + Psystrike11
Shadow MetagrossBullet Punch + Meteor Mash42

Shadow attackers rankings from

Additionally, purified shadows lose their aura and visual effects. Many trainers enjoy the bragging rights and aesthetic of these rare creatures.

Purified Pokémon Pros

Purification lifts a Pokémon‘s IV floor to 80% by boosting each stat by +2. So a perfect 13/13/13 shadow would ascend to 15/15/15 upon purification.

Purified creatures also require less investment to power up. The costs using stardust and candy are reduced by 20%. This makes building defenders and raid counters much cheaper.

The exclusive charged move Return offers solid damage with good energy efficiency. It fits nicely into a moveset, especially on normal types.

Finally, level caps lift to 25 after purification. This permits powering the mons up much sooner.

Making Your Decision

With arguments on both sides, what should you do with that perfect shadow? Here are some tips:

  • Master League & Raids: Keep as Shadow for the damage. Mewtwo, Metagross, Magnezone, Electivire & the likes make exceptional raiders as shadows.
  • Gyms: Purify for cheaper, solid defenders. The IV boosts and reduced costs are nice perks.
  • Great & Ultra Leagues: Run PvP simulations before deciding! Those leagues have quirks around stat products where shadows don‘t always win out.

Expert Opinions

Gaming news site advocates keeping most shadows unevolved for their elite damage:

"The only real reason at the moment to Purify any of your Shadow Pokémon is to fill out your Purified Pokédex."

Meanwhile, hardcore analysis site GamePress shares a more nuanced perspective:

"Shadow Pokemon’s immense power comes at a price – in order to unlock a Shadow Pokemon’s true potential, it costs much more resources. Making the decision between Purified and Shadow variations is a very contextual determination."

Niantic‘s guidelines offer similar guidance:

"Purification is not strictly better or worse than keeping a Pokémon Shadow, but each option comes with its own advantages!"

The choice ultimately comes down to your objectives, resources, and playstyle. With an understanding of the tradeoffs, you can make the best decision for your perfect shadow.

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