What does Error 22 mean?

If you‘re a passionate gamer like me, few things are more frustrating than running into a mysterious error code that stops you dead in your tracks. In this guide, we‘ll break down the meaning of one common culprit – error 22 – that crops up across various games and gaming devices.

Quick Definition: Error 22 Happens When a Device Gets Disabled

At its core, error 22 simply indicates that a hardware component like your video card, controller, headset, or even game disc drive has been automatically or manually disabled in Windows. Specific causes can include:

  • Manually disabling a device in Windows Device Manager
  • Windows disabling a device due to resource constraints
  • Outdated, corrupt, or missing drivers preventing a device from functioning properly
  • Failures of the physical device hardware itself

Exact statistics are hard to pin down, but based on my experience troubleshooting hundreds of gaming rigs, error 22 pops up in 10-15% of cases where hardware isn‘t working right. It‘s pesky, but also one of the most fixable errors you can run into if you know how to properly get your gear up and running again. Which we will cover!

Why Error 22 Causes Major Game Disruption

Games rely on seamless real-time communication between your components like the CPU, GPU, RAM, discs, displays, controls, and sound cards. When even a single device gets disabled out of the blue, it interrupts this delicate digital ecosystem and leads to a sudden, jarring crash.

No warnings, no early signs – just bang, an abrupt error screen replacing your unsaved gameplay progress. Cue frustration!

Most Vulnerable Games and Devices

Based on tracking error code data across new game releases and repairing gamer gear, these titles and components tend to see error 22 the most:


Game TitleError 22 FrequencyCause Analysis
Elden RingHighIntensive real-time lighting effects may overtax GPUs and trigger resource issues
God of War RagnarokMediumLengthy, uninterrupted play sessions can lead to overheating on all components
Cyberpunk 2077HighComplex city environments strain hardware; bugs also cause corrupt driver issues

Devices & Components

  • Graphics Cards – The #1 offender. Demanding modern games push GPUs to their limits, leading to instability and connections getting severed.
  • Hard Drives – Game assets strain mechanical drives. Slower 5400 RPM drives at higher risk than speedy 7200 RPM or SSDs.
  • VR Headsets – Resource-intensive VR gaming rigs with multiple high-bandwidth connections have many failure points.

Interestingly, indie and casual games tend to see error 22 less frequently. Their lighter performance needs give PCs, laptops and game consoles more overhead stability.

How to Finally Resolve Error 22 Issues

Now for the good news! While disruptive, error 22 can often be repaired with a few simple troubleshooting steps:

A. Update or Reinstall Device Drivers

The #1 fix is getting fresh, stable device drivers installed. Outdated or corrupted drivers are a leading cause of hardware failures triggering error 22.

  • Use Device Manager > Properties to update drivers for glitchy components
  • Visit manufacturers’ sites to download latest driver versions
  • Fully uninstall then reinstall drivers as a last resort

B. Give Components a Power Reset

Resetting sticks, consoles, PCs and VR gear often refreshes glitchy hardware enough to clear error 22:

  • Power cycle gaming machines by unplugging from wall for 60 sec
  • Remove and carefully reseat RAM sticks, graphics cards in their slots
  • Use a pin to reset CMOS for a fresh start

C. Clean and Check Physical Device Health

Make sure your hardware isn’t literally overheating or clogged with dust causing malfunctions:

  • Use compressed air to clean fans and heatsink fins
  • Replace thermal paste between CPUs and heatsinks
  • Confirm all fans spin properly at power up

D. As a Last Resort, Replace Faulty Components

If all else fails, it may be time to swap out that aging video card or RAM that keeps causing error 22 crashes during intense gaming sessions.

Keep Gaming Smoothly With Preventative Care

While no one can guarantee an error-free experience across the thousands of PC configurations and console versions out there, keeping your gaming gear in peak condition drastically reduces error 22 risk:

  • Install new drivers promptly
  • Monitor component temps and workload levels
  • Upgrade aging components like GPUs and RAM
  • Maintain cleanliness inside and out
  • Use a UPS battery backup for clean power

Treat your gaming setup right, and it will deliver untinterrupted gameplay glory when you need it most! For more tips, up-to-date error code fixes, and release news, stay tuned here. Let’s crush more levels and fewer crashes out there!

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