What Does NG+7 Mean for Hardcore Gamers? The Final Crucible

For us passionate and dedicated gamers, NG+7 represents the Mount Everest of difficulty – the seventh playthrough on the maximum, most ruthless setting. Beyond pride or bragging rights, ascending this peak proves one‘s absolute mastery of these demanding games we love. But NG+7 does not give up its secrets easily. Only the most determined survive this final crucible unchanged.

Origins of the New Game Plus System

To grasp the NG+7 peak, one must understand the unique New Game Plus (NG+) system in franchises like Dark Souls, Bloodborne, and Sekiro. After finishing these notoriously punishing games, NG+ allows starting a new playthrough while retaining all weapons, stats, upgrades, etc.

However, in addition to resetting the world, NG+ also increases the difficulty. Enemies hit harder, withstand more damage, and gain new attacks. Each progressive NG+ ratchets up brutality until culminating at the maximum in NG+7.

Why implement such a gauntlet? For worthy challengers to test their limits. To forge elite players through adversity. And perhaps to satisfy twisted developers who relish such sadism! Regardless, NG+ captures the essence of these games – unrelenting challenge pushing us to greatness.

The Increasing Torment from NG+1 to NG+7

While earlier NG+ jumps provide a fresh experience, the harshest tests emerge at the apex. Based on community data, we can chart the difficulty spike through each cycle:

CycleEnemy HP IncreaseEnemy Damage Increase

Reaching NG+ plus potentially doubles enemy strength! Even basic foes can crush an unprepared player. Precision, high damage output, and defensive execution become mandatory. Gear, builds, and skill pushed to their limit. For me, finally conquering the original Dark Souls on NG+7 stands as my proudest gaming achievement.

A Breakdown of Hardest Hikes

Across titles, NG+7 maintains its thorny identity, but slight differences in difficulty spikes do emerge:

Dark Souls: Enemies gain huge health pools by NG+7. Stamina conservation and weapon upgrading are vital to defeating damage sponges. Bosses hit brutally hard – perfect dodging essential.

Sekiro: Posture, not health bars, rule here. NG+7 enemies regain posture rapidly after deflects. Staying aggressive critical – one sloppy exchange means death. Genichiro epitomizes this mercurial threat.

Bloodborne: Fast pacing ratchets up intensity. Many bosses can still quickly kill in NG+7 despite health increases. Stat-boosting blood gem upgrades help even the odds. Rapid reaction and recovery must become instinct.

A Trial By Fire – Completion Rate Estimates:

Given the intense challenge, few would expect many players to reach NG+7. Across several titles, community estimates peg the completion percentage around 2-4% on PC/console.

However, analysis shows Steam‘s "The Real Dark Souls Starts Here" achievement for reaching NG+7 sits at a 0.4% rarity amongst Dark Souls 3 players. Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice shows an even more minuscule 0.2% on Steam.

As expected, these frightfully small percentages confirm NG+7‘s status as an immense achievement only a small trial-hardened fraction can attain!

My Journey to the Peak

My first souls game, Dark Souls, hooked me with its satisfying difficulty like an adrenaline drug. I began chasing the euphoria of overcoming challenges thought unbeatable. After mastering NG+, I decided to push further up the mountain.

The road to NG+7 tested my patience and determination like no game before. Bosses previously beaten through gritted teeth now smash me aside without a glance. Hundreds of attempts blurred together into one maddening climb. No margin for error remained – one misstep spells disaster.

Finally, four months later, the last great challenge fell before me. As the flames faded around Lord Gwyn, a wave of relief and joy washed through me. Despite the long odds, I planted my banner at last upon the highest peak! The worth and satisfaction from conquering NG+7 through dedication stands apart in my gaming memories. Now onto the next mountain…

Closing Thoughts – A Trial By Fire

NG+ 7 represents the atomic bonds holding these games together – unrelenting challenge pushing us to master every aspect or be crushed under the wheel. Not all can withstand, but those who arise renewed through this trial by fire earn a peerless badge of honor. Wear it with pride, and let it be an example to other determined warriors!

Now if you‘ll excuse me, I saw rumors of a secret NG+8 mode hidden away…Or perhaps I‘ve spent too long upon these peaks alone! Either way, more challenges await!

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