Minecraft and Roblox: Two of the Easiest Games to Start Modding

As a modding enthusiast for over a decade, I often get asked by new modders – what is the easiest game to start learning on? Based on years of experience and being active across modding communities, I confidently recommend Minecraft and Roblox.

What Makes Minecraft and Roblox Ideal Starting Points

Both Minecraft and Roblox have key advantages that make modding highly accessible for beginners:

Built-In Mod Support

  • Minecraft Forge and Roblox Studio simplify the modding process
  • No need to dig into raw game code or edit complex config files

Vibrant Modding Communities

  • Wealth of documentation, tutorials, and forums to leverage
  • Over 2 million mods and games available to learn from

Variety of Mod Types

  • Cosmetic mods like skins to complex scripts and gameplay changes
  • Cater to all skill levels

Popular and Familiar Games

  • Fun and engaging platforms make modding enjoyable
  • Combined over 200 million active players

Below is a comparison of some key factors relevant for new modders when choosing a game:

Built-In Mod SupportYes (Forge API)Yes (Roblox Studio)
Lines of Code to "Hello World" Mod~30 lines~15 lines
Programming Languages UsedJava, JSONLua
Total Mods AvailableOver 100,000Over 20 million
Learning ResourcesExtremely StrongVery Strong

Statistics from minecraftmodding.wiki and roblox.com

Based on the analysis above, Minecraft and Roblox offer the most supportive environment for new modders.

Getting Started with Minecraft and Roblox Mods

Once you‘ve chosen Minecraft or Roblox to start modding, here are my top recommendations as intermediate steps:

1. Experiment with Example Mods – Break down and tweak small example mods to understand structure

2. Attend Modding Forums and Groups – Engage with experienced modders for advice

3. Start Small and Iterate – Focus on tiny mods first before enhancing scope

4. Learn Widely Applicable Skills – Many languages like Lua also apply beyond gaming

And some key tools I recommend:

  • Minecraft Forge – Essential API for Minecraft modding
  • Visual Studio Code – Free and user-friendly editor for Lua and Java
  • GitHub Desktop – Simplifies sharing your mods with others

The future is also bright in terms of new innovative mods being developed. With the power of artificial intelligence, I predict mods that can automatically generate entire worlds and questlines tailored to individual playstyles!

So in summary – with the right games, tools, resources and perseverance – anyone can unlock their creativity through modding. Minecraft and Roblox will set you up for success better than any other franchise. Let your imagination run wild and start building your mods today!

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