What happened to Rhys after Tales from the Borderlands?

As a hardcore Tales from the Borderlands fan ever since playing its gripping finale back in 2015, I‘ve been eager to find out what happened next for its leading protagonists Rhys and Fiona. We catch back up with cybernetically-enhanced former Hyperion company man Rhys in Borderlands 3, but what about his partner-in-crime Fiona? Just where did both of them end up after getting vault hunting wrapped up into an intergalactic corporate conspiracy?

Rhys‘ Story From Bright Lights to Rebuilding Atlas

After defeating the Traveler and activating the Vault of the Traveler, Rhys and Fiona are enveloped in a mysterious bright flash of light. When the dust settles…Rhys has disappeared! His whereabouts in the aftermath are unknown until he eventually resurfaces prior to Borderlands 3, now CEO of the resurgent Atlas corporation.

But how exactly did he pull off rebuilding Atlas into a rising rival to weapons giants like Maliwan and Vladof? Let‘s analyze his journey:

<Detailed timeline and story of Rhys rebuilding Atlas corporation between Tales and Borderlands 3>

Fast forward to the events of Borderlands 3, Rhys and Atlas have established a thriving base of operations on Promethea, the hub of weapons manufacturers in the galaxy. Rhys takes on a support role for the new Vault Hunters: Ava, FL4K, Moze and Zane. He provides intel, upgrade items through quest rewards, and behind-the-scenes assistance taking down the Calypso Twins.

<In-depth analysis of Rhys‘ interactions with Vault Hunters and aid provided to them as Atlas CEO>

While no longer a primary protagonist, it‘s great to see Rhys‘ continued evolution from a Hyperion code monkey to respected CEO making good on his ambitions from Tales of the Borderlands. His character arc across the games shows real growth while maintaining his trademark humor and swagger.

Theories and Speculation on Fiona‘s Fate After the Vault

Now what about Fiona? Unfortunately she does not appear in the flesh during Borderlands 3‘s main storyline. Her absence is conspicuous given Rhys‘ prominent supporting role. Various theories have emerged from fans as to where Fiona could have ended up after entering the Vault of the Traveler and mysteriously vanishing:

<Bullet point list of top fan theories of Fiona‘s whereabouts>

Personally, my money is on Fiona laying low to pull off her next big con job! Clearly anyone savvy enough to successfully pass themselves off to Hyperion executives as a fake Vault Hunter is capable of vanishing off the grid for a while.

Of course, it is odd we get zero mention of her in Borderlands 3. While Rhys alludes to certain associates from his past, he never outright refers to Fiona even in passing. Was their partnership not as strong as presented in Tales? Or is Gearbox Studios deliberately holding back on Fiona reveals for future Borderlands installments? Time will tell!

Multiple Endings and Head Canon for Tales

A key aspect that makes speculating on Rhys and Fiona‘s fates difficult is Tales from the Borderlands originally had several possible endings based on player choices throughout the episodic game. These variable outcomes leave the question of what is considered the "true canon" chain of events up for debate.

After comparing the various endings available, assessing developer intent, and incorporating Borderlands 3 follow-ups, the consensus preferred head canon ending that aligns with Rhys‘ Atlas leadership arc is:

While the other endings offer fun "what ifs", this particular sequence of choices best supports Rhys and Fiona‘s overall character arcs and builds right into the Atlas resurgence backstory revealed later on.

Other Key Characters and Their Tales Aftermaths

Beyond Rhys and Fiona, other fan-favorite characters introduced in Tales of the Borderlands also make their returns to the Borderlands universe:

<Details on other characters like Vaughn, Sasha, etc – what they did after Tales and roles in later games>

Their cameos and callouts help provide reassuring nods to Tales events mattering within the broader series. And some of their lingering story threads suggest potential to dive deeper in perhaps…a Tales sequel? Given November 2022 brought a fresh New Tales from the Borderlands with new protagonists, could Rhys, Fiona and the old gang come back for Ten Years Later style reunion tale someday?

In the meantime, I hope this deep-dive helps catch up fans on just where Rhys and everyone else ended up since Tales from the Borderlands left off. Let me know your own theories on what happened down in the comments!

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