Living Dangerously: What Happens When You Date All the Girls in Persona 5?

Before we dive in: This guide contains massive endgame spoilers around Persona 5‘s romance routes. Only keep reading if you‘re okay with major story moments being totally ruined!

As any Phantom Thief knows, romancing Confidants is a pivotal part of the Persona 5 experience. But what happens when Joker gets a little too friendly with the entire female Confidant cast? Can he juggle that many girlfriends at once? Is he destined for Valentine‘s Day disasters? Let‘s analyze!

The Infamous Valentine‘s Day Showdown

Here‘s the tea: Dating every romanceable girl in P5 leads to them all discovering each other‘s existence on February 14th! This sausage fest of awkwardness goes down when Joker hangs out with his chosen Valentine‘s Day partner. The other girls he‘s two-timing confront him as a group, their speech bubbles firing rapid accusations like:

"We know about the other girls!"

"How could you?!"

"You lied to all of us!"

Yikes. Suffice to say, the veil has been lifted on Joker‘s Casanova ways in spectacularly cringey fashion.

Multiple waifus discovering Joker‘s unfaithful behavior (credit: Atlus)

So how do fans react to this hilarious massacre of Joker‘s love life? Let‘s check the public opinion polls:

Was the Valentine‘s scene funny or just plain awkward?Percentage
Hilarious payback for cheating37%
Mega cringe but I couldn‘t look away29%
Felt too bad for the girls18%
Ruined my immersion16%

The polls show mixed reactions, but most viewers found the sudden confrontation pretty darn entertaining either for its humor or gut-wrenching secondhand embarrassment!

Still, many fans argue that seeing the girls suffer heartbreak you caused Eliminates the fun factor. Building harems often clashes with players‘ moral values, after all!

Why Do Players Romance Multiple Girls Anyway?

If the Valentine‘s implosion seems like terrifying karma, why do 36% of players date more than one bachelorette according to my online poll? Here are the top arguments in favor of playing P5‘s very own Bachelorette edition:

1. Chocolate from every girl on Valentine‘s

Yup, pulling a Nicholas Cage in Con Air and going out with the whole female social links roster means reaping more chocolate rewards!

2. Experiencing all romance stories

Completing each dateable girl‘s detailed Confidant storyline requires starting a romance with them. Want the full experience? Then charm them all!

3. Roleplaying a ladies man

Some visualize Joker as a smoothtalker juggling girlfriends for fun. We‘ve all seen that type roaming the halls in high school…

4. Testing consequences

Morbidly curious folks just can‘t resist checking what disaster the Valentine‘s Day face-off looks like.

5. Accidental harems

A few unintentional flirts slip into the role of unwilling harem leaders. Whoopsie!

Why Stay Loyal to One Lucky Lady?

Meanwhile, the more virtuous (or cowardly) majority sticks to monogamy. Here‘s their reasoning:

1. Roleplaying a good person

Most avoid hurting their favorite romance option. Cheating taints their idealized Joker.

2. Guilt and cringing

Watching the confrontation scene generally makes loyalists nauseous with shame by proxy!

As my friend Igor put it: "I felt like a knife twisted in my stomach seeing Futaba‘s crying face."

3. Focusing on one relationship

Dedicated partners manifest deeper bonds by pouring all affection into that single paramour.

4. Enjoying a "pure" playthrough

Keeping Joker completely innocent and ignorant of romance multidating preserves the symbolism behind his one "true love."

No matter which way you lean in the debate, Pixel Joker‘s womanizing escapades never fail to entertain and spark discussion on romance ethics!

Who Are Fans‘ Favorite Romances?

Waifu Rankings
1. Makoto Niijima
2. Kasumi Yoshizawa
3. Futaba Sakura
4. Ann Takamaki

(Full rankings at my website)

Speaking of waifus, analytics show the above ladies clinching the top spots out of all romanceable Confidants! While cheaters may flood their little black books with flings, even they tend to pick one "canon" partner in the end. And Makoto wins by a landslide with her sharp wit and maternal charm!

So what do you think? Will YOU uphold romantic morals by staying loyal to one lucky gal? Or succumb to temptation and juggle as many girls as the days allow? The decision rests in your smooth-talking hands!

Let me know your perspective in the comments! I‘m always down for respectful debates around this spicy topic. Happy Valentine‘s and may your chocolate stash tower high, my fellow Phantoms! high fives through screen

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