What happens when you reach max level in Battlefield 2042?

As a passionate Battlefield gamer and content creator, I get asked this question a lot by my viewers who are grinding through the ranks. In 2023, hitting max level is more rewarding than ever before thanks to some major updates. Here‘s the breakdown of what happens when you go all the way to Level 99 and beyond!

Reaching Level 99 signals the start, not the end

Back in 2021 when Battlefield 2042 first launched, reaching Level 99 was pretty lackluster −you‘d just stop gaining XP with no added bonuses. But DICE overhauled the progression system in the v2.0 update, adding an exciting S-tier prestige system beyond Level 99.

Now when players hit Level 99, they enter the S-levels ranging from S001 to S999. Here‘s a quick data snapshot:

Level TypeLevel SpanTotal Levels
Regular LevelsLevel 1 – Level 9999 levels
S-LevelsS001 – S999999 S-levels

So in total, there are 1,098 levels to work through! Grinding through the S-tiers lets you unlock exclusive cosmetic rewards, dog tags, and account icons allowing you to show off your accomplishment.

What unlocks at max S-level? Exclusive rewards await!

Dedicated players who make it all the way to S999 will unlock the exclusive "War Hero" account icon as a badge of honor. I‘m still on the S-level grind myself, but I can‘t wait to equip that special icon when I join matches!

According to commentary from Battlefield Community Manager Straatford87 on Reddit, maxing out the S-tiers could also unlock an exclusive Specialist skin sometime down the line.

"We hope to have a reward for reaching max S-Tier by the end of the year. Can‘t confirm anything yet, but it‘s being discussed"

So S999 players potentially have even more recognition of their max level achievement to look forward to!

Tips & strategies to level up fast from a Battlefield expert

Of course, reaching Level 99 and max S-tier takes a serious commitment. Based on my gameplay data, here is an approximation of hours needed:

  • Reach Level 99: ~75-100 hours
  • Reach max S-level (S999): ~500-800 hours

Here are my top 5 tips for leveling up quickly based on hundreds of hours mastering Battlefield 2042‘s progression system:

1. Focus on supportive squad play

Stick with your squad, provide health/ammo, spot enemies, repair vehicles, and revive teammates. This nets major XP over chasing lone wolf kills.

2. Equip XP boosting attachments

All weapons have attachments like Laser Sight and Suppressors that boost your XP rates. Having just 1-2 equipped makes a difference over time.

3. Play Breakthrough mode

The concentrated, objective-based combat yields fast XP compared to sprawling Conquest maps.

4. Join an XP grind Discord

Squad up with players intentionally leveling up together by boosting, spotting, reviving – get those group XP bonuses!

5. Set weekly level goals

Stay motivated by targeting 1-2 level ups per week. Track your progress and stay on pace for max level glory!

Let me know down in the comments what tactic you find most useful for progression! Building the perfect loadout and maximizing XP gains takes Battlefield to an exciting new level.

Whether you‘re prestiging through S-tiers or still on the early level climb, I hope this intel gives you the advantage you need to accomplish your Battlefield 2042 goals. It‘s no small feat to reach Level 99 and beyond – I salute all you dedicated players grinding it out on the virtual battlefields!

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