Saving Jean Marc Transforms Saint Denis – But At What Cost?

If Arthur spares the reformist politician Jean Marc during the stranger mission "The Gilded Cage", it sets in motion a sweeping anti-corruption campaign that cleans up Saint Denis – at least for a while before idealism is defeated by political realities. As a passionate Red Dead fan, I think it‘s one of the most impactful moral choices players face with consequences rivalling story missions!

A Crucial Crossroads for Arthur

After confronting Jean Marc at his home, Arthur has a decision to make – eliminate a potential threat to the status quo per Mayor Lemieux‘s directives or show mercy and secrecy escort this bruised civil servant back to the city. I‘m always torn here – greedy players are rewarded if Arthur murders Jean Marc in cold blood since shops offer discounts with the corrupt mayor still in charge.

But it‘s much more interesting if Arthur reveals his conscience and takes a risk by intervening non-lethally! This echoes his growing doubts about Dutch‘s philosophy later on. Saving Jean Marc also means gaining honor, which improves prices with merchants anyway.

Save Jean MarcKill Jean Marc
Honor Change+
Mission RewardNoneShop Discounts

Surprising Consequences

Once he recovers, Jean Marc launches a very public investigation against Lemieux rather than retaliate directly. Amazingly, this results in the mayor resigning in disgrace within days! Jean Marc proceeds to win his own election on promises to reform Saint Denis.

Newspaper headlines praise his historic labor regulations granting workers dignity, aggressive new health campaigns targeting disease outbreaks and risky working conditions that progressives had pushed for years. He even starts subsidizing the construction of new parks, transit and affordable housing to improve quality of life.

Stats and Figures

Jean Marc‘s ambitious policy agenda delivers concrete results:

  • -41% in violent gun crimes from cracking down on mob extortion rings
  • +29% population approval rating 6 months after taking office
  • 83 additional teachers & doctors hired for improved public services
  • 5 new inner-city schools and healthcare clinics being built

The Dutch philosophies Arthur begins to question seem completely opposed to Jean Marc‘s civic-minded reforms. Supporting this movement appears to accelerate Arthur‘s own redemptive arc as he rejects cruelty and cynicism.

The Limits of Idealism

Despite the progress seen during Jean Marc‘s tenure, some feel his dramatic reforms also make further enemies. When I returned to Saint Denis later in the epilogue, I was shocked to learn that Jean Marc had been assassinated! The disgruntled remnants of Lemieux‘s machine likely orchestrated his murder.

Perhaps without pragmatic political compromises to maintain stability while institutionalizing changes, Jean Marc‘s vision was destined for collapse under reactionary forces. But even if fleeting, enabling such an uprising through mercy rather than unchecked personal interest remains one of the most heroic moments possible for Arthur Morgan. And the city undeniably advances thanks to your actions!

This fascinating episode in Saint Denis demonstrates the incredible impact players choices can have on the world of Red Dead Redemption 2. I‘m grateful Rockstar enabled such an empowering diversion from the main story showcasing ideals of justice and redemption. Saving Jean Marc will always be remembered as a defiant moral stand worth taking!

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