What is a Realistic Difficulty for F1 22?

As an avid sim racer, I always get the same question from new players entering the world of virtual Formula 1 competition – "what difficulty rating should I choose?"

For F1 22, I firmly believe 50 difficulty provides the right challenge for newcomers, while intermediate fans should set 80-90 to match competitive human driver pace. Here‘s why:

New Drivers Must Learn to Walk Before Running

Jumping into cockpit view with no prior racecraft fundamentals and attempting to tame an F1 beast at expert rating is daring, but often ends in barrier impacts and frustration.

Trust me, I‘ve been there! Initial hours spent bumping walls trying to push the same braking points as Hamilton. But virtual or not, these machines demand respect and an apprenticeship.

Run lengths of 5-8 laps to learn circuits, finding braking references and markers to begin gauging capability step-by-step. Nail consistency and hitting all apexes cleanly at a controlled pace first. Speed comes later.

Feel out the new model – F1 22‘s overhauled tire width spec and contact patch translates to ~20% reduced grip compared to F1 2021! That percentage drop cannot be underestimated, and will catch overconfident inputs. Respect it, and momentum builds.

My recommendation? Start at 50 or lower. This still provides exhilarating performance, rewarding clean driving that sets foundational skills to compete at higher peaks later on.

When to Increase Difficulty Ratings in F1 22

You‘ll know when you‘re ready for the next notch up. Consistently reaching podiums by 15+ seconds to P3? Gradually increase opposing AI in increments of 5 up to 70 rating.

Analyze their adjustment in pace – entry speeds, mid-corner traction, top end straight line mph. How much closer is their proximity by the braking zone turn-in point? Only small increments ensure you acclimate without being overwhelmed.

By rating 70-80, you‘ll contend with the realities of racing traffic, defensive line choices to maintain position when chased down by DRS. Situational awareness must improve via checking mirrors while optimizing exits.

Now is the time you can really flex car development choices producing lap time through a balanced package – engine modes to defend on straights, efficient downforce adjustments magnifying mechanical grip strengths of your early upgrades.

Meeting F1 Driver Challenge in the 80-90+ Difficulty Bracket

Assuming car development minimizes deficits between AI performance ranges, hitting seasonal rating targets of 80+ should have drivers approximating realistic pace profession racers achieve.

For example at Melbourne, Hamilton‘s 2021 pole lap time was a 1:18.9, comparable to 82-85 AI at optimal pace. Use these pro benchmarks to gauge whether settings match reality!

Of course, increasing rating exponentially expands the physics workload for our virtual drivers to handle.

At 100+ rating, F1 22 AI taps the true capabilities of their machinery via cornering speeds and minimum radius curves exceeding human reaction limitations. Here, incremental gains become tougher without dedicating assists.

Final Thoughts – Enjoy the Journey!

Finding equilibrium with AI strength is a marathon, not a sprint. Patience while building consistency ultimately pays greater rewards as skills accumulate for managing high difficulty competition compared to chasing unreachable settings contributing to frustration.

That said, part of the journey is experimentation! I still gleefully reminisce challenging myself against 95+ F1 aliens, even if humbling, for pointing improvement areas needing addressed. Just remember perfection cannot be achieved overnight.

Let me know your own trip progressing through the ratings bracket so we can share notes! Happy racing my friends.

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