Link‘s Official Height: 5‘6" (Ocarina of Time Era)

After extensive analysis across games, guides, and developer interviews – Link‘s commonly referenced height clocks in at 5 feet and 6 inches (or 167 cm). This height stems from his design in Ocarina of Time and matches his proportions compared to other characters like Princess Zelda and Ganondorf.

Now some may claim Link is shorter (5‘2") based on Breath of the Wild or taller when appearing as the Hero‘s Shade (6‘8"). But the Ocarina adult Link remains the best reference point for his cross-era "canon" height.

So when imagining our pointy-eared Hylian hero, picture him standing confidently at about 5 foot 6.

Link‘s Height Fluctuates Across Games – But 5‘6" Is His True Form

As a passionate gaming commentator, I‘ve analyzed Link‘s height extensively across games. What struck me is the wild variations – ranging from 5‘2" to 6‘8" tall depending on the game!

Clearly Link‘s appearance gets reinvented dramatically between games. But when comparing his design across the entire franchise, I believe the Ocarina of Time Link at 5‘6" represents his true form. Back me up Nintendo!

Link Height Variations:

Breath of the Wild5‘2
Ocarina of Time5‘6"
Majora‘s Mask5‘6"
Twilight Princess (Hero)5‘4"est
Twilight Princess (Shade)6‘8"

No doubt Breath of the Wild and Wind Waker made Link look his youngest and shortest! But I expect the next open world sequel could depict our hero taller again. Nintendo simply loves reinventing Link‘s design to shock and awe fans.

What do you think about Link‘s wild height fluctuations readers? Does it surprise you how the same hero can shift from 5‘2" to 6‘8"? Share your reactions with me in the comments below!

Zelda Is Frequently Taller Than Our Hero

Another interesting insight around Link‘s height involves comparisons to Princess Zelda…

Long-time fans know that Zelda is commonly depicted as taller than her courageous hero! This totally flips traditional gender norms – but perfectly suits Link‘s agile fighter role compared to Zelda‘s commanding royal presence.

Except for unique cases like Skyward Sword, Zelda towers at least slightly above Link. See the compelling visual proof:

[Picture showing Zelda taller than Link in various games]

Just another fun way Nintendo subverts player expectations! Of course this height difference never slows Link down from saving the day and his princess when danger strikes Hyrule.

Do you love or hate that Zelda gets a consistent height boost over Link? How do you envision the ideal height dynamic for Hyrule‘s power couple?

Link‘s True Age Ranges From 9 to 19 Years Old

Beyond his height range, even Link‘s age gets retconned dramatically across games! Don‘t let the pointed ears fool you – Link matures and grows up just like any other Kokiri child. Well except for the whole reincarnating hero destiny thing…

Reviewing all official sources, I‘ve concluded Link‘s age spans approximately 9 to 19 years depending on the era:

  • Ocarina of Time: Starts at 9 years old, ages to about 16
  • Twilight Princess: Roughly 17 to 19 years old
  • Wind Waker: 9 to 12 years old
  • Skyward Sword: 17 to 18 years old

Interestingly enough, even within the same Ocarina of Time game Link starts as a humble 9 year old child before getting thrust 7 years into the future! This allows players to literally watch Link grow up from boy to young man before saving Hyrule as the legendary Hero of Time!

No doubt Nintendo adores highlighting Link‘s coming of age story and growth into the courageous hero role he was always destined for.

So what‘s your favorite age era for Link fans? Do you prefer playing as child Link or badass adult Link? I have to side with the unstoppable fierce Ocarina adult Link myself!

Relationships: Does Link Have a Wife or Girlfriend?

Last but not least in our Link analysis, I need to address the burning question…

Does Link have a canonical romantic partner or wife across the Zelda series?

I can definitively say that no, Link does not officially have any lovers. While some games hint at affection for Princess Zelda, Link primarily stays focused on defending Hyrule in all his incarnations.

But that doesn‘t stop rampant fan speculation and shipping when it comes to Link‘s love life!

Common Examples:

  • Link x Zelda: Hints are shown in Breath of the Wild and Skyward Sword that the two chosen heroes share a deep personal bond. But no overt romance has been depicted.
  • Link x Mipha: Breath of the Wild reveals Mipha‘s unrequited love for Link via touching journal entries. But Link again shows no overt romantic inclination.
  • Link x Paya: Some chemistry and suggestive scenes are shown between Link and Paya in Breath of Wild. But once more Link shies away from commitment.

Am I detecting a pattern here? Nintendo just refuses to give concrete relationship status to Link!

Some claim Link embodies the lone wanderer archetype too completely. But I say Nintendo just wants to let fans‘ imaginations run wild. Or maybe choices would ruin Link‘s universally crushable status?

So what do you think readers? Should future Zelda games evolve Link‘s romance options with love interests? Or does playing the mysterious, unattainable hero serve the character best from gameplay and story perspectives?

Share me your wildest Link shipping fantasies in the comments! But until Nintendo relents, just assume Link remains a free-wheeling bachelor in all his incarnations.

Link‘s canonical height checks in around 5 foot 6 inches tall. His age ranges from child to late teens depending on era. And although never definitively confirmed, evidence suggests Princess Zelda stands as Link‘s deepest personal bond across the ages.

While many mysteries remain about Link‘s official stats and backstory, his unmatched courage in facing evil remains crystal clear. May his heroism and Legend live on eternally!

So those are my deep insights on Link‘s height, age, Zelda bonds, and more based on dedicated Zelda fandom. Let me know what other theories, analysis, or speculation you‘d like covered in future articles!

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