Demystifying MUI Goku‘s Lightning Fast Speed

As an avid Dragon Ball analyst and battle-board fanatic, one of the most common questions I see debated is exactly how fast Goku can move in his ultimate form – mastered Ultra Instinct (MUI). While no definitive maximum velocity is ever stated within the show itself, speculation based on theoretical power scaling puts the number at an astronomical level rivaling trillion-times light speed! In this article, I‘ll attempt to quantify MUI Goku‘s speed as precisely as possible using all available clues.

The Exponential Power Boost of Ultra Instinct

To estimate his top speed, we must first understand how much a multiplier MUI provides over Goku‘s normal limits. When Goku first activates incomplete Ultra Instinct against Jiren, the human-like avatar of the Ultra Instinct "mode" explains that exceeding one‘s shell to unlock Ultra Instinct provides a boost equivalent to "breaking through the wall of their own limit."

If we quantitatively interpret this to mean his capabilities multiply by some large factor, it logically follows:

  1. Base Ultra Instinct – 100x to 1,000x boost over Blue
  2. Mastered Ultra Instinct – 100x to 1,000x boost over base Ultra Instinct

So stacking these multipliers gives MUI Goku an effective boost 100,000x to 1 billion times over his prior Blue form limit!

MUI Goku‘s Resulting Metrics

Now let‘s use the above multiples on Goku‘s prior confirmed metrics:

Goku Blue‘s Top Speed: Massively FTL, perhaps millions of times light speed

MUI Goku‘s Potential Speeds:

  • Low end: 100 billion x FTL = 100 quintillion x lightspeed
  • High end: 1 nonillion x lightspeed

Converting these velocities to MPH by applying c (lightspeed) roughly equal to 670 million MPH gives ranges from:

  • 6.7 sextillion MPH
  • Up to 670 undecillion MPH!

So while imprecise, this degree of enhancement explains exactly how MUI enables Goku to instantly dodge, twitch strike, and outpace perilously quick threats!

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