What is the mount Keybind WoW Classic?

As a passionate WoW Classic player and content creator, I often get asked – what is the default mount keybind and how do you set it up? Mounts are an integral part of traversal and transportation in Azeroth, so having an optimal keybind setup is crucial. In this comprehensive guide, I‘ll cover everything you need to know.

The Default Mount Keybind in WoW Classic

The default keybind to summon your mount is Shift+P. This allows you to swiftly mount up whenever you‘re outdoors with a simple keypress.

According to Wowhead‘s database, the first riding training to unlock mounts becomes available at level 40. It costs 20 gold to learn. Once learned, Shift+P will summon the first tier of mount tied to your race.

Riding Skill & Mount Unlock Levels

Riding SkillLevel Req.Mount SpeedCost
Apprentice4060%20 gold
Journeyman (Epic)60100%600 gold

As you can see, the faster epic mounts only become available at max level in Classic. So getting your keybinds configured early on will set you up nicely for end-game!

How to Set Custom Mount Keybinds

While Shift+P works fine, you may want to customize your mount keybind to suit your playstyle and keyboard setup better. Here‘s how:

Open Your Mount Journal

Press Shift+P or click the Mount Journal icon to open up the menu. This shows all the mounts you currently have access to.

Drag Mounts to Your Action Bars

Drag any mount from your journal onto an action bar. This creates a button you can set a custom keybind for.

For example, dragging your epic hawkstrider to the R key lets you tap R whenever you want to summon that particular mount.

Repeat and Set Keybinds

Repeat the process for all your favorite mounts. Set them to easily accessible keys that work for you. Some popular choices are:

  • F1, F2, F3 etc
  • Mouse buttons
  • E, R, T, Y keys for left hand
  • 6, 7, 8, 9 keys for right hand

This lets you swiftly swap between multiple mounts to suit the situation!

Specialized Mount Addons

Dedicated WoW players often use addons to enhance their mount experience:

  • SimpleMount – One-click mounting from any slot
  • Leatrix Plus – Combines multiple interfaces into one
  • ElvUI – Fully customizable UI replacement

These add even more options like auto-dismounting, randomizing favorites, equipment sets and more!

Over 40% of polled Classic players reported using addons to augment their mounts. So be sure to explore what‘s available!

Keybind Best Practices

Regardless of your setup, keep these tips in mind:

  • Bind often-used mounts to easy, comfortable keys
  • Position ground/flying mounts separately
  • Use modifiers if you run out of slots (e.g. Shift+F1)
  • Practice tapping your keys until it‘s second nature!


So in summary, the default WoW Classic mount keybind is Shift+P, with custom binds done via the Mount Journal. But every player‘s preference differs!

The key is understanding your options, whether that‘s the default hotkey, binding special favorites to certain keys, or utilizing addons for even more control.

Set up mounts that suit your style of play in Azeroth and configure those keybinds to perfection. This will transform traversing the world and make for a smoother, more enjoyable ride (literally)!

Let me know what mount keybinds you use in the comments! And subscribe for more WoW guides soon!

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