There Are No Missions After Killing Trevor in GTA V – Here‘s What You Need to Know

As an avid GTA expert and gaming commentator, I get asked often about what happens next if players decide to kill Trevor Phillips in that dramatic final choice.

The short answer: pulling the trigger on Trevor wraps up his narrative arc and concludes the main GTA V story once and for all. There are no more missions left after this shocking ending!

However, there‘s a lot more to discuss regarding the impacts of this divisive decision on GTA 5‘s gameplay, storyline, characters and fanbase.

In this comprehensive guide, I‘ll break down everything you need to know:

Killing Trevor Leads Directly to GTA V’s “Something Sensible” Ending

If Franklin takes Option A during The Final Mission and assassinates Trevor, the next sequence triggered is Something Sensible.

This critical ending mission dive directly into the consequences – showing the shootout with Trevor‘s remaining henchmen before confirming his demise.

Something Sensible then jumps ahead to an epilogue montage. We see Michael reconciling with his family while Franklin now owns Trevor’s former strip club.

This concluding cutscene provides definitive closure on the protagonists’ story arcs and criminal partnership – serving as the final bookend to this unorthodox brotherhood.

Once Something Sensible and these closing credits wrap, there are no more adventures left to experience in the base GTA V campaign.

Eliminating Trevor Permanently Cuts His Missions and Story Short

Making the choice to end Trevor’s life means missing out on a significant chunk of GTA V’s core missions and content.

His Strangers & Freaks encounters, rampages, mysteries and mayhem provide some of the most memorable quests that shape his darkly comedic sociopathy.

Killing Trevor leaves all this colorful content – from hijacking trains to hunting Bigfoot as Sasquatch – unfinished, sacrificing those singular misadventures.

By erasing Trevor from the narrative, his missions disappear too – silencing one of GTA’s most charismatic characters and fan-favorites prematurely.

The Impact of Losing A Core GTA Protagonist

As one of GTA V‘s psychotic protagonists, Trevor Philips leaves a gaping hole when eliminated.

His mayhem-fueled playstyle, narcotic-fueled rage and twisted backstory with Michael and Brad brought demented life to this world.

Without Trevor wreaking havoc, rising back up the criminal ladder or confronting his ghosts, it leaves his arc unresolved – along with Franklin and Michael’s involvement.

For many fans invested in his unhinged journey, cutting it short feels unsatisfying – denying them closure with OG crew intact. Eliminating a legendary GTA character permanently also carries heavy story implications.

Comparing All 3 Ending Options in GTA V

When presented with the climactic final choice, protagonists Franklin Clinton, Michael De Santa and Trevor Philips could all live, die…or only two can survive.

Each option results in radically different fates for our criminal collective – shaping their legacies based on who (if any) hero goes down in a blaze of glory.

Let‘s examine the narrative outcomes from all 3 possibilities:

A) Kill Trevor

  • Ending Mission: Something Sensible
  • Survivors: Michael and Franklin
  • Fates: Trevor dies confronting the Triads alongside his allies. Michael makes amends with his family, now the owner of Trevor Philips Enterprises.

B) Kill Michael

  • Ending Mission: The Time‘s Come
  • Survivors: Trevor and Franklin
  • Fates: Franklin assassinates Michael following orders from shady agent "H". Trevor discovers the betrayal, furious at Franklin while abandoning their partnership.

C) Deathwish

  • Ending Mission: The Third Way
  • Survivors: Michael, Franklin and Trevor
  • Fates: All three protagonists band together to outwit their mutual enemies. After attacking their adversaries‘ hideout, the criminal brotherhood lives on to wreak future havoc!

As highlighted above, the Deathwish scenario spares all playable antiheroes – allowing them to continue their content alongside Michael and Franklin beyond the main story‘s conclusion.

What Gameplay Is Accessible After Ending Trevor’s Story?

Once credits roll after killing Trevor in Something Sensible, players can no longer explore GTA V’s solo campaign as normal. His missions also permanently vanish after he’s gone.

However, there are still plenty of activities to enjoy within Los Santos and Blaine County post-campaign:

  • Freely Roam the open world map
  • Replay Missions via the pause menu
  • Enjoy Side Content like Strangers & Freaks exclusive to Michael and Franklin
  • Explore GTA Online with other multiplayer newcomers and veterans
  • Start Over by launching a New Game to experience the two unused endings!

So while the central GTA V narrative concludes if Trevor meets his demise, there’s still meaningful content left to enjoy afterwards without having to restart right away.

Relationships Irreparably Changed Without Trevor’s Chaos

Beyond limiting replayable missions, removing Trevor also permanently alters key relationships and character dynamics from GTA V’s storyline.

With Trevor gone, his amusing frenemy rapport with nervous conspiracy theorist Ron can’t continue delivering memorable moments.

His antagonistic history with walking midlife crisis Michael also can’t come to a confrontation or resolution.

Franklin loses the benefit of Trevor’s warped criminal mentorship. Their unlikely dynamic motivated some of GTA V’s most hilarious debauchery.

These special character bonds that left indelible impressions get severed instantly. Players are left to wonder “what if” without Trevor stirring up trouble.

Completion Percentages: Least Popular Fate for Mr. Philips

According to tracked GTA community statistics, selecting *The Third Way (Deathwish) is the overwhelmingly preferred finale – keeping all fan-favorite maniacs alive.

The something Sensible route sits at the bottom by a significant margin:

Ending OptionPercentage Choosing
A) Kill Trevor15%
B) Kill Michael20%
C) Deathwish65%

These figures have remained relatively stable since GTA V’s launch per tracking sites like GameFaqs:

“Most GTA V players went with Deathwish – about 65 percent according to the stats we have so far. Option A got 15 percent. Option B got 20 percent. So the players have spoken!”

This data reveals that gamers prefer to keep the original lawless trio kicking for future mayhem together. Killing the rampage-ready Trevor remains the road less traveled.

Final Verdict: Ending Trevor Disappointing Yet Narratively Fascinating

As someone that has extensively analyzed every aspect of GTA V’s epic scope, I still wrestle with definitive thoughts on executing Trevor prematurely.

Undeniably, stripping away his lunacy leaves noticeable voids – in missions, comedic relief and ties binding our leads together. Seeing him cut down is a sad shock that stings for longtime devotees.

However, part of his unpredictable volatility reaching a violent end also fits the series’ noir tones. Trevor choking on ambition makes for tragically poetic justice after backstabbing Michael previously.

The Something Sensible conclusion delivers uniquely melancholy closure. While the happier endings satisfy our inner antihero admirers, Trevor meeting this sudden end is no less narratively impactful – epitomizing GTA’s trademark shock value with an unexpectedly finite stop.

So while most players like myself spare Mr. Philips through Deathwish to prolong the chaos, \watching him go down in flames has legitimate dramatic merits.

As my comprehensive breakdown illustrates, killing Trevor cuts a memorable legacy short yet remains a valid narrative bookend for one of gaming’s most iconically unstable characters.

Either way, I hope all GTA fans better understand the lasting implications of wasting this eccentric maniac. Trevor might be homicidal yet there’s no denying how much dedicated supporters will miss his manic misdeeds motivating mayhem!

Let me know your own thoughts on executing Trevor below! I’m happy to discuss more insights from GTA superfans.

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