Glory Esports Culture is the "Real Game" in The King‘s Avatar

The Incredible Popularity of Glory in China

The King‘s Avatar depicts the fictional esports scene in China centered around an MMORPG game called Glory. As the name suggests, the "real game" here refers to the competitive professional gaming culture and environment built around Glory.

Inspired heavily by global gaming phenomenon Dungeon Fighter Online, Glory is portrayed as an enormously popular game in China with millions of causal gamers and an extensive professional league known as the Glory Professional Alliance (GPA), consisting of dozens of elite pro teams.

Ye Xiu – Legend Seeking Redemption

The series chronicles the story of Ye Xiu, an iconic player forced into early retirement at age 24 by his longtime team Excellent Era, despite still being at the peak of his legendary skills.

Vowing to make return to the pro circuit, the "old man" assembles an amateur pickup squad called Team Happy, mentoring young rookies to take on elite clubs in the GPA while combating immense personal odds stacked against himself.

Ye Xiu demonstrates an unflinching iron will and determination to regain past glory, an attitude that resonates deeply with fans.

Esports Viewership and Revenue

Glory Finals Live Viewers100 million (China)
GPA League Annual Revenue$1.2 billion
Top Player Endorsements$5 million per player
Weibo Followers (Ye Xiu)23 million

The Unmatched Emergence of Esports in China

Over the past decade, esports has exploded into a multi-billion dollar industry in China with investors pouring insane amounts of money into popular competitive titles like Glory with live streaming & massive sponsorship deals.

The most elite pro players have achieved celebrity status on par with movie stars, commanding seven-figure salaries and millions of ardent fans who religiously track every match and regularly sell out large stadiums for finals.

The series gives audiences an authentic insider‘s perspective into this unchecked passion and fandom surrounding competitive gaming, which traditional sports simply cannot rival at present.

Prominent Characters and Plotlines

In addition to Ye Xiu‘s personal redemption quest, The King‘s Avatar incorporates rivalries and power struggles within the pro gaming scene‘s corporate politics. Owners like the ruthless Wang Jiexi remain obsessed with destroying Ye Xiu by any means necessary. Top female player Su Muqiu is wildly famous for unmatched skills, but remains committed to helping her old captain Ye Xiu bounce back, fending off accusations of nepotism from envious peers all along.

Such human conflicts combined with gaming visuals and commentary hugely bolster engaging drama and entertainment value for audiences.

Legacy and Cultural Footprint

With captivating narratives pitting underdogs against elite powerhouses, along with Chinese gaming culture woven into its fabric, the show struck a chord rapidly amassing die-hard fandom. The King‘s Avatar is now regarded as an esports-themed media pioneer credited with boosting gaming awareness across the country following its 2012 release.

Its soaring popularity perfectly coincided with the esports industry boom in China, creating a perfect storm. Nine years since its debut, the franchise continues going strong as one of the most in-demand titles among Chinese youth and gaming aficionados.

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