The Complex Relationship Between Mario and Donkey Kong

As a longtime gaming enthusiast, few relationships in this industry are as complex and compelling as the one between Mario and Donkey Kong. Their history spans over 40 years, full of bitter conflicts, friendly competitions, and eventually an alliance against shared enemies. According to Nintendo sales figures, games featuring this iconic duo have sold over 463 million units total as their stories intertwined through the decades.

Let‘s analyze the symbolic evolution of their fascinating connection.

Jumpman vs Donkey Kong (1981)

In 1981, Mario first entered the scene not as Mario but as "Jumpman" – a carpenter trying to rescue his girlfriend Pauline from the clutches of the gorilla Donkey Kong. This original DK is now known as Cranky Kong – grandfather of the tie-wearing Donkey Kong we know today.

As Jumpman desperately jumped over barrels and flaming oil drums, this conflict represented man vs beast, civilization vs primal nature. Jumpman‘s overalls symbolized civility and discipline, while Donkey Kong‘s powerful physicality showed the raw power and chaos of the untamed wild. Their philosophical battle through maze-like scaffolds has resonated with audiences for over 40 years.

Key Stats

  • Original Donkey Kong arcade units sold: 65,000
  • Total Donkey Kong arcade game revenue: $280 million

Bitter Rivals (1982-1999)

After their original encounter, Mario and an aged Donkey Kong continued their rivalry through the 80s and 90s across over a dozen titles – now as platforming mascots baiting one another into competition rather than arch enemies.

Games like 1994‘s Donkey Kong released on the Game Boy pitted the italian plumber against the jungle gorilla once more. As they chased each other through mines and industrial sites, they now had the context of their shared history. No longer man vs wild beast, now it was iconic mascot vs iconic mascot. Two legends facing off as rivals to win the hearts of gaming fans. Their showdowns were less good vs evil and more veteran gladiators sparring for glory.

According to long-time Mario designer Shigeru Miyamoto, "We took the characters and made them fight each other because of their far-reaching rivalry in video games back then."

Key Stats

YearGameCombined Sales
1994Donkey Kong (Game Boy)10+ million units
1996Mario Kart 64 9+ million units

Allies Against Evil (2000-Present)

Flash forward to the 2000s, however, and Mario and Donkey Kong ultimatelybury the hatchet. After facing off in spin-offs like Mario Tennis and Mario Golf, they eventually team up against shared adversaries like Bowser and King K. Rool.

Modern games show Donkey Kong as an ally in Mario‘s adventures – the latest example being Mario + Rabbids: Sparks of Hope where DK‘s brute strength helps Mario fend of cosmic evil. Their days as enemies are over, replaced by a new friendship acting as comrades-in-arms.

In 2007, Shigeru Miyamoto said: "I see Mario and Donkey Kong as very good friends now. The older generation gap has melted away."

Perhaps like the players themselves, Mario and DK don‘t see much point in continuing past rivalries when there are larger threats looming from King Koopa and beyond.

*Key Moments in Mario & DK‘s Relationship Over Time

Modern Era Key Stats

  • Donkey Kong Country Returns (Wii): over 6 million units sold
  • Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze (Switch): over 2 million units sold
  • Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle: over 2 million units sold

So in the end, are Mario and Donkey Kong friends or foes? As their history shows, they are frenemies – former rivals who‘ve buried the axe over decades of shared experiences and now fight together against common enemies. Few connections showcase the nuances of relationships better than gaming‘s most famous Italian plumber and jungle gorilla duo – still going strong 40 years later.

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