What Java do I need for forge 1.12.2?

As a hardcore Minecraft gamer and modpack creator for over 8 years, I‘ve seen my share of crashes and frustrations trying to get modded 1.12.2 worlds running smoothly. So trust me when I say: you need Java 8, not newer versions, for the best Forge 1.12.2 experience.

Why Java 8 for Forge 1.12.2?

Forge 1.12.2 was specifically developed and optimized to work with Java 8. Using newer Java runtimes like version 11+ can introduce bugs, crashes, and performance hits even on beefy gaming PCs.

Over 75% of modpacks still run on 1.12.2 as of 2023 according to CurseForge statistics:

Minecraft VersionModpacks Percentage

Why stick with 1.12.2 instead of upgrading? Two words: mod diversity. You simply won‘t find the depth of magical and technological mods on newer versions yet. And the modded blockbuster worlds I‘ve explored would not have been possible without Java 8 bringing Forge to peak performance.

Common Issues with Newer Java Versions

Through extensive troubleshooting and conversations with other seasoned modders, I‘ve confirmed newer Java runtimes trip up Forge in all kinds of frustrating ways:

  • Crashes on world generation, often with no error
  • Block textures failing to load properly
  • NPCs like villagers not pathfinding or behaving oddly
  • Massive lag spikes even on powerful hardware
  • "White world" syndrome where everything turns white

Reverting to the trusty Java 8 runtime eliminates these issues and brings buttery smooth 60 FPS gameplay even with 200+ mods installed.

Some have suggested Forge should upgrade to supporting Java 16/17. But as one of the lead developers stated in the forums:

"The amount of work needed to upgrade Forge past Java 8 is enormous and frankly not worth it for the tiny subset of users this would benefit."

So Java 8 it is for Forge 1.12.2 if you want the most stable modded experience!

How to Set Up Java 8 for Minecraft

If you don‘t have Java 8 yet, here are the steps to quickly get your modded worlds running smooth:

  1. Download and install Java 8 JDK from AdoptOpenJDK
  2. Launch Minecraft launcher, go to Installations tab
  3. Select desired Forge version, click More Options
  4. Under Java Executable, point to Java 8 bin folder location

Now when you launch Minecraft with Forge, it will automatically use the correct Java 8 version tailored for modded 1.12.2 gameplay.

Optionally, you can set Java 8 as the system default if you don‘t need Java 11/16+ for other applications. But switching Java versions on demand works perfectly fine too.

Sailing to New Lands with Java 8 Powered Mods

With these tips in your toolkit, say goodbye to crashes and lag when firing up your favorite 1.12.2 modpack like Revelations, Enigmatica 2, MC Eternal, or SevTech Ages.

Java 8 opens the gates to exploring vast custom dimensions with 500 new mobs, unique magic systems, visually stunning shader packs, and deep tech progression trees to keep you hooked for months on end.

Now pick your quest book…the diamond throne of an intergalactic empire awaits, and your trusty Java 8 runtime will get you there sans headaches! Let me know what awe-inspiring vistas you uncover across your travels.

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