Jumbo Rare Players Pack Edges Out Rare Mega Pack as Best Promo Pack in FIFA 23

As an avid FIFA gamer and pack addict, I‘ve opened my fair share of Rare Mega Packs and Jumbo Rare Players Packs over the years. And in FIFA 23, the 100k pack is a cut above the rest when it comes to big pull potential.

Pack Odds Comparison – Clear Advantage for 100k Pack

Let‘s start by looking at the latest FIFA 23 pack odds EA released, focusing on the probabilities for high-rated player items:

PackOdds for 86+ PlayerOdds for 89+ PlayerOdds for TOTY Item
Jumbo Rare (100k)13.5%4.3%0.3%
Rare Mega (55k)9.3%3.2%0.03%

It‘s clear from the odds that the 100k Jumbo Rare pack holds a noticeable advantage over it‘s 55k counterpart when it comes to packing elite player pulls.

Your chances of hitting an 89+ meta player is 25% higher in a 100k pack. And the odds are nearly 10X better at securing that coveted Team of the Year card that can fetch over 2 million coins in the FUT transfer market!

Recent Examples Showcase Potential for Big Returns

Just last week, a pack opening YouTuber managed to pack TOTY Honourable Mentions Virgil Van Dijk from a Jumbo Rare Players pack. An unbelievable pull worth over 2.5 million coins!

I also opened 5 Rare Mega Packs saved up from reward tiers and landed Rulebreakers Trent Alexander-Arnold as my best pull, worth around 200k coins. Decent result but can‘t compare to a TOTY pull.

Now packing a TOTY or icon is still highly unlikely, even from a Jumbo Rare Players pack. But I‘ve had better success hitting high rated promo items like RTTK, Rulebreakers etc from the 100k packs over Rare Megas. The wider odds gap shows up over a larger sample size of pack openings.

When Should You Open These Packs?

With FIFA 23 in full swing, now is a great time to try your luck on these marquee packs with Team of the Year in packs and future Stars on the horizon. I tend to have the most pack luck right when new promos hit.

Some may argue to wait until TOTS when all the best cards are back in packs. But with pack supply flooded and market crashed, I prefer to roll the dice during promo weeks before odds get diluted.

No matter what though, DO NOT buy points to purchase these packs with real money. The expected return is low. Grind SBCs and rewards to earn packs instead.

Pack Opening Strategy – Take Coins to Reinvest in SBCs

When it comes time to open your packs, I strongly recommend taking coins over untradeable players whenever given the option. This allows you to recycle those coins back into premium SBCs to earn more packs for another shot at a big pull.

Those 83-85 rated fodder cards you‘ll inevitably pack won‘t make your starting XI anyways. Better off with the 7.5-15k coins value to improve your squad through the transfer market and SBC solutions.

Trust me, I learned this the hard way after doing 80+ player pick SBCs for months and discarding all the dupes before wising up. Don‘t repeat my mistakes!

Final Verdict – Jumbo Rare Players Pack is Best Promo Pack in FIFA 23

While anything can happen any given Sunday with pack luck, the odds and potential returns favor the Jumbo Rare Players Pack (100k) as the single best promo pack available in FIFA 23 Ultimate Team.

Between vastly better odds at elite players plus recent examples of massive pulls, the 100k pack tops my recommendation list for players with enough coins to swing for the fences.

The Rare Mega Pack (55k) can still deliver solid value playable cards, but doesn‘t have that same "lightning in a bottle" game-changing potential for your club. And it may require some pack luck regardless, as seen from my Trent pull.

For those ballin‘ on a budget, check out my next guide covering League SBC grind methods. Just don‘t blow the house on FIFA points chasing the pack dragon!

Let me know who you packed recently from these promo packs and how your luck has been holding up!

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