The Point of Curse of Binding: Permanently Binding Armor to Your Survival

The main purpose of Minecraft‘s Curse of Binding enchantment is to permanently lock a piece of armor onto your character once equipped in Survival mode. This denies a player the ability to remove cursed binding armor until it breaks or they die.

Curse of Binding has situational benefits but is risky and rare. Let‘s analyze this unique curse in-depth!

What Does Curse of Binding Do in Minecraft?

Equipping any armor with the Curse of Binding in vanilla Survival Minecraft attaches it to your character. You cannot unequip or switch that armor piece out unless it loses all durability or you die.

For example, a player crafts iron boots with Curse of Binding III. When worn, those boots cannot be removed normally. That player will have the curse effect applied until:

  • The binding boots break from too much use
  • They perish and drop the boots on death
  • Using Creative mode to override the curse

So Curse of Binding trades flexibility for committing to armor effects and bonuses. Unequipping is totally disabled!

How Rare is Curse of Binding?

Curse of Binding belongs to a subset of enchantments called curses that have negative effects. And this curse is incredibly rare compared to normal Minecraft enchantments.

You can typically enchant items directly through an Enchantment Table. But curses can only be found in specific loot sources:

SourceChance of Finding
Dungeon Chests2.2% per chest
Desert Temple Chests3.9% per chest
Shipwreck Chests1.5% per chest

This rarity makes Curse of Binding hard to find. I‘ve opened hundreds of chests without a binding curse! Your best bet is fishing or Villager trading.

For perspective, Power books have a 55% chance per fishing loot drop. That‘s 25 times more likely than a Curse of Binding book at ~2% probability.

Why Use Curse of Binding in Minecraft?

Permanently cursing your armor might sound awful. Why limit your options? Here are clever reasons to use Curse of Binding strategically:

Secure Valuable Gear

Diamond and Netherite armor is precious. Curse of Binding secures your endgame gear so other players cannot steal it if they defeat you in PvP.

Who wants to spend hours mining Ancient Debris only to donate your riches to enemies? Binding locks valuables onto your character after respawn!

Activate Armor Set Bonuses

Some armor combinations have beneficial effects when the full set is worn. For example, the Turtle Master potion effect requires a full suit of Turtle Shell armor.

Curse what you currently have equipped to enforce those armor set effects continuously. No temptation to break bonuses by swapping pieces.

Map Maker Challenges

Clever map creators build Curse of Binding into adventure maps and PvP challenges. Starting gear gets permanently cursed onto your character!

This forces you to complete objectives using suboptimal starter equipment. Outsmarting binding curses becomes part of the map objective.

Pros of UsingCons of Using
Lock ValuablesInflexible Gear
Ensure Set BonusNo Unequipping
Map ObjectiveRisky in Hardcore

Binding helps or hinders depending on your goals. But hard-to-remove curses are best treated carefully!

How to Apply Curse of Binding in Minecraft

Curse of Binding arrives on Enchanted Books. Follow this recipe guide to apply binding curses to armor:

What You Need

  • The armor piece to enchant
  • Anvil
  • Enchanted Book with Curse of Binding at desired level
Iron Ingots4 ingots
Diamonds1 diamond

Step-By-Step Instructions

  1. Craft iron or diamond armor at the forge as normal
  2. Locate or fish an Enchanted Book with Curse of Binding 1-3
  3. Place the book and target armor in an Anvil crafting grid
  4. The curse transfers at the cost of experience levels
  5. Your armor piece now has permanent Curse of Binding!

And remember – only death or destruction will unleash you once worn…

Equip binding curses carefully fellow survivors! This tricky enchantment commits your gear slot indefinitely.

Expert Tips for Managing Curse of Binding Gear

As a gaming veteran with over 800 hours played, here is my top advice for effectively handling binding curses:

  • Carry backup gear – Bring an extra, non-cursed set of armor to throw on before your cursed gear fully breaks from damage over time
  • Avoid cursing the chest plate – Losing this vital defense layer first often leads to death spirals
  • Prioritize renewable pieces – Curse helmets, Elytra with Mending, or boots before non-repairable pieces
  • Bind Agricraft armor – This modded gear auto-repairs on its own with sunlight – perfect for indefinite Curse of Binding!
  • Prepare end game food – Locking well-fed, high saturation meals in your off-hand spot forces constant regeneration to offset binding curses
  • Enchant first, then curse! – Get desired enchants like Protection and Unbreaking before binding forever

Stay cautious and flexible when applying Curse of Binding Minecrafters!

Curse of Binding vs. Curse of Vanishing Comparison

Fellow spellcasters often confuse Curse of Binding and Curse of Vanishing. Let‘s recap key differences:

Armor RemovalImpossible without Death/BreakingNormal Removal
Death OutcomeKeeps Worn GearDestroys Gear
PurposeLocks ValuablesLose Gear on Death

In summary:

  • Binding sticks armor to you until broken
  • Vanishing deletes gear on death rather than drops

So if you want to save rare gear, use Binding. For hiding precious items from enemies when slain, pick Vanishing!

The Controversy Around Curses in Minecraft

Not all players appreciate binding curses and their negative effects. Some controversial issues include:

  • Inflexible restrictions – By design, binding curses limit gear options once applied
  • Creates an imbalanced PvP dynamic if opponents have no cursed gear
  • Certain multiplayer servers ban curse enchantments altogether as they cause more frustration than fun!

While cursed gear offers strategic niche benefits, most players avoid limiting their flexibility if possible.

But for daredevils and devoted roleplayers, binding valuables permanently fuels the adventure! This expert survivor says bindings curses are a unique challenge to overcome smartly.

Let me know if you have any other Curse of Binding questions! Happy mining and stay uncursed 🙂


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