When Should I Finish Asgard in AC Valhalla?

As an avid gamer and content creator focused on the AC series, I recommend finishing the Asgard questline after completing the main story campaign in England when Eivor has reached power level 90 or higher. Asgard‘s enemies and challenges are highly formidable, so solid gear and abilities are essential.

Why Wait? Optimal Timing for Asgard

Through my multiple playthroughs and obsession with Valhalla, I‘ve found patience pays off. Here‘s why:

  • England‘s expansive regions should be the initial priority, then return to Asgard later for lore reasons.
  • The recommended power level for Asgard is 90. At lower levels, fights become grueling and diminishes the experience.
  • Finishing Asgard too early can make England enemies trivial by comparison, disrupting intended progression.

Below I‘ve compiled a table showing the escalating power levels of enemies faced in areas unlocked across Valhalla‘s story:

AreaEnemy Level
Norway 1-90

As shown above, Asgard‘s base enemies start at level 90. Delaying this realm while boosting Eivor‘s power allows handling the tough fights ahead.

Why Complete Asgard at All?

Beyond the challenge, Asgard offers useful reasons to finish its questline:

Gear Upgrades From Ymir‘s Tears

Collecting all 30 Tears of Ymir and turning them in grants 5 free skill points to make Eivor more formidable for end-game content.

Mythical Armor Sets & Weapons

Each of Asgard‘s three armor sets – Huntsman, Magyar, and Aesir – provide excellent perks catering to different playstyles. I‘ve ranked them below based on my personal testing:

  1. Aesir Set – Balanced warrior upgrades plus oustanding weapon damage.
  2. Huntsman – Elite long range damage and stealth means death from above.
  3. Magyar – Vicious dual-wield abilities make this a lethal set for brutal assaults.

Legendary weapons like Mjolnir and Gungnir are also hidden in Asgard‘s realm.

Expanded Isu Lore

Lastly, Asgard reveals much about Eivor‘s role as Odin and the brewing war between the Isu and Jotnar people, offering deeper lore for fans.

Returning to England

Once the opening Asgard arc is finished, travel between realms freely by:

  • Opening the map
  • Selecting the wake up prompt in the top left area
  • Confirm to return to saved point back in England

Repeat whenever desired to continue missions or focus back on Asgard later!

In Summary: Finish Asgard After Main Campaign

Based on enemy levels throughout England‘s expansive lands compared to Asgard‘s brutal foes, I strongly urge gamers to wrap up the core story first. This allows returning at higher power levels to then reap Asgard‘s weapons, armor, skill points, and deeper dive into AC mythology as a rewarding end-game challenge!

What has your experience been with timing Asgard‘s completion? I welcome tips from fellow completionist players. Valhalla forever!

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