Should You Stop Leveling at 150 in Elden Ring?

If you want to focus on multiplayer PvP and co-op, level 150 is absolutely the sweet spot to stop at, at least for now. This gives you access to 60 Vigor for survival, 40 Endurance for equip load, and room to specialize your offensive stats.

As a passionate Elden Ring player myself, I originally planned to keep leveling for solo content, but found 150 to be way more fun for engaging in co-op and duels. Here‘s a deeper breakdown on the method to this madness…

Why 150 is the Current PvP Meta

The level 150 "meta" originated organically within the Elden Ring community. It strikes the perfect balance where you can invest heavily in Vigor and Endurance without having to sacrifice damage output.

  • 60 Vigor gives 1900 HP to survive most attacks in PvP
  • 40 Endurance equips heavier armor and weapons
  • Offensive stats still hit various power spikes

Higher levels means less multiplayer action, as this table illustrates:

LevelMultiplayer Population
125❌ Low
175❌ Moderate
200+❌ Very Low

In my experience dueling at 200, the waits were interminable. Staying at 150 has connected me with the most players by far.

Diminishing Returns Change the Calculus

Now originally I was stubborn about stopping at 150. As a hardcore PvE player, I wanted to keep gaining power to smash through New Game+ cycles.

The issue is, from 160 and beyond, you start hitting major diminishing returns on attributes like Vigor and Strength. To gain a mere 100 HP, I‘d have to invest 10 more points into Vigor.

At that stage, you‘re better off upgrading your weapons instead for more damage. The rune cost for levels also starts getting astronomical.

To go from level 712 to the max 713, it costs over 9 million runes! No thank you.

Here‘s a rune cost growth table as reference:

LevelRunes Needed

So in summary, 150 hits the perfect interception between matchmaking, stat investment, rune efficiency, and multiplying power through equipment.

Class Builds Can Still Shine at 150

As an Astrologer fanatic myself, I initially thought Sorcerers would suffer at 150. I was dead wrong. In fact, 150 is an amazing spot to excel as any class build.

Pure mages can easily hit 70 Int to boost sorcery damage, melee builds get 60 points in their main stat, and hybrids can dip into both efficiently.

At 713 obviously any build can reach full potential, but 150 allows ample specialization while retaining multiplayer viability. It‘s the best of all worlds.

So if you‘ve been slamming your head against Malenia for the 100th try and wondering if more levels would help…trust me, upgrading your gear is smarter than infinitely leveling.

The Verdict: Stop at 150 for Now

If I haven‘t beaten the 150 meta to death yet, I‘ll say it one last time: stop leveling at 150 if you care at all about co-op or PvP down the road.

FromSoft may tweak balance patches later that affect the meta, but 150 is your best bet for now. Trust me, and the rest of the passionate Elden Ring community on this one.

I‘ll see you guys out there for some jolly cooperation! Now I‘m off to fight a giant pot…

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