Who are the Endless in Halo?

As a long-time Halo fan, the arrival of the Endless in Halo Infinite has me beyond excited. Their debut brings so many tantalizing questions – who are they? Why were they imprisoned? What is their connection to Halo‘s past? That‘s why I knew I had to dive deeper into the clues we have so far about this formidable new faction.

Deciphering the Origins of the Endless

While details remain hidden behind eons of history, theorists have pieced together possibilities about where these newly awakened beings came from.

Some argue that references to the Endless "knowing the truth of the Forerunners" means they predate even that ancient civilization. Their advanced technological prowess could mean they share ancestry with another almost mythical race – the Precursors.

See, before the Forerunners achieved tier 0 status and began constructing Halo arrays, the Precursors ruled the galaxy. But conflict erupted between the two factions. Theories indicate the Forerunners may have attempted to wipe out the Precursors, but we know they failed…could the Endless be their descendants, now back to seek vengeance?

It‘s hard to deny the similarities. Both the Precursors and Endless demonstrated an ability to bypass the Halo effect through biological resilience we can‘t yet grasp. Both may have adopted humanoid "Harbinger" forms too. The trail of clues has many convinced of a deeper connection.

Analyzing the Goals and Motives of the Endless

Their origins may be shadowed, but the actions of the Endless so far give some indications around their goals. Firstly, they clearly harbor deep resentment towards the Forerunners who imprisoned them over 100,000 years ago.

The Harbinger makes repeated remarks about enacting retribution against the Forerunner‘s creations and legacies. This paints a picture of vengeance but also demonstrates an alarming ruthlessness. Humanity now appears in the crosshairs.

Secondly, their willingness to align with Atriox‘s Banished faction shows the Endless consider the enemy of their enemy – the UNSC – a target for destruction too. This pact could amplify the Banished into an even more formidable foe.

Finally, the text uncovered on Installation 07 warning that the Endless must remain imprisoned "until all are one with the ecumene" implies a frightening scale of ambition. Do they seek to absorb all life into their fold? If so, they may pursue exponential growth and assimilation like the Flood.

While the true motives remain obscured, the risks are abundantly clear to us all. The Endless undoubtedly endanger the entire foundation of galactic civilization. We must keep pushing to uncover more if we stand any hope of confronting this threat.

The Harbinger – Vengeful Vanguard of the Endless

The Harbinger appears intrinsically tied to the Endless‘ reemergence as the first to be freed from her imprisoning Cylix. She adopts a menacing Forerunner-esque form and seems to command alarming power.

Throughout Halo Infinite, she facilitates the Banished‘s portal operations to access and release more of her kind from confinement underground. She also spearheads direct assaults against human forces with an array of lethal abilities.

All evidence points to the Harbinger maintaining a special standing among the Endless. Her personal vendetta burns brightest, continually citing a desire to enact justice against the Forerunners by dismantling their legacy. It paints her as the vanguard marshaling the Endless back to power.

Defeating her could disrupt their resurgence. But with the wider threat now awakened and our knowledge so limited, victory may prove difficult to achieve. Understanding the Harbinger‘s past and motives could equip humanity better for the fight ahead.

The Road Ahead – Preparing for the New Age of the Endless

While the enduring mystery around them continues to unsettle, the reality remains – the Endless have returned in force, and the fight is on to stop their rise. With the Banished now amplifying their power, they appear capable of toppling even the great Forerunners‘ galactic systems.

Humanity and the UNSC cannot afford to underestimate them. We must build alliances, share intelligence, and continue striving to uncover more about what makes our new enemy tick. Only then can we hope to survive the coming turmoil and prove we learned the lessons from ages past about the perils of unchecked power.

The Endless‘ resurgence will undoubtedly reshape the entire Halo universe. But with courage, preparation and wisdom, we can weather this storm. After all, humanity and our allies have achieved the impossible before. Together, we can build understanding and conquer this threat in time. We must.

Comparison of Key Halo Factions

The FloodIntergalactic parasite. Goal to infect all lifeforms.Contained after Forerunner sacrifice.
The CovenantOnce a powerful hierarchical empire across star systems.Defeated in war against UNSC.
PrometheansAndroid army under Didact‘s command.Control wrested by Cortana.
The EndlessSurvived firing of Halos. Mysterious transformative powers.Awakened on Installation 07.

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