Who Did Rex Marry in Xenoblade Chronicles 3?

As an avid Xenoblade Chronicles fan who has eagerly followed Rex‘s journey across games, I have done plenty of pondering about where the optimistic Salvager’s romantic affiliations ultimately landed. Xenoblade Chronicles 3 offers some subtle hints but no explicit confirmation on whether Rex settled down with Pyra, Mythra, Nia or went his own solitary way. However, analyzing the clues scattered across titles within the XC continuum provokes some fascinating theories on who Rex took as his life partner. Let’s dive in!

The Photo Hinting at a Polyamorous Relationship

Late in Xenoblade Chronicles 2, the expansion Torna: The Golden Country showed a photograph during the ending credits that sparked much debate. It depicted Rex posing with Pyra, Mythra and Nia in formal attire along with three infants cradled in their arms.

Many interpreted this as Rex entering into a polyamorous marriage with all three women. While uncommon, such plural relationships built on harmony and consenting choice still affirm love. Perhaps after their profound shared experiences, all three heroines and Rex recognized their bonds exceeded societal norms.

Some key aspects fueling this theory:

  • Rex displays strong care and affection for Pyra, Mythra and Nia throughout XC2
  • No jealousy exists between the women, hinting at mutual respect/care
  • The photo marks a special occasion given their dressed-up attire
  • Seeing the children suggests Rex went on to start a family with them

Of course without explicit confirmation, this remains speculative. Yet the imagery invites fans to connect these narrative dots.

Rex‘s Presence (Or Lack Thereof) in Xenoblade 3

Flashing forward to the latest entry Xenoblade Chronicles 3, Rex himself does not directly feature as either a playable character or supporting NPC. Some dialogue from characters like Vandham does reference the legendary Driver’s past exploits:

“I hear this Rex fella brought the world together by getting to know all kinds of people.”

However no clearstatements exist cementing who Rex committed to in the long-run. His enduring legacy of heroism still resounds through legends told in XC3‘s realm of Aionios. But specific romantic affiliations or family ties remain untraceable onscreen.

Monolith Soft developers have shared little on whether Rex even still lives during XC3‘s timeframe either. Yasunori Mitsuda‘s reflection on the whereabouts of past protagonists hints at the intentional mystery:

“I’m sure fans wonder what happened to Shulk and Rex. Are they still alive? Have they died? I can’t say one way or the other. I want to leave it up to the players’ imaginations.”

So again, no definitive conclusions can be derived about Rex‘s marital status from the glimpses provided in XC3. Fans must extrapolate from existing clues.

The Bond Between Rex and His Blades

While Rex‘s fate in Xenoblade Chronicles 3 stays obscured, revisiting the strength of his connections to Pyra/Mythra and Nia in XC2 provides critical context. As his Blades, their lives remained interlinked on an intimate metaphysical level. Such resonance transcended that of ordinary relationships.

Over long travels together, Rex built profound trust that led him to promise a shared future with all three. And their unilateral love and loyalty in return, willing to sacrifice themselves for Rex‘s dream of Elysium, conveys the depth at which he touched them. Even if not overtly romantic initially, their bond evolved into one that arguably exceeded familiar parameters of commitment.

And in the final struggle when Rex calls out to them to lend their strength, they respond:

“We are here and always will be. Rex, our lives are yours. They always have been.”

Evoking such symbiotic language around a pledge of undying unity between Driver and Blade strongly hints at a very permanent, inseparable connection, especially by story‘s end. The intimacy glimpsed in that mysterious photo thus seems like a plausible culmination.

While speculating beyond confirmed details risks conjecture, I believe analyzing Xenoblade 2 and 3’s subtleties makes one compelling case for Rex committing to all three women in an unorthodox but harmonious lifelong partnership. Their presence in his vision of the new world he helped usher in offers reasonable evidence. Yet we may never know conclusively if the Salvager King took a single partner or embraced the trio of extraordinary lives interwoven with his own. For Xenoblade fans nevertheless, the imagined possibilities will surely continue inspiring discussion.

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