Who Has 2 Hidden Blades in Assassin‘s Creed?

Ezio Auditore and Connor Kenway are the most famous assassins that used two hidden blades in the games. After Altaïr‘s time, it became a tradition that only Master Assassins of the highest rank could wield two blades.

However, there were a few exceptions even to this tradition over the years…

How Ezio Got His Second Hidden Blade

The original Assassin robes created by Altaïr Ibn-La‘Ahad only included one hidden blade. But all that changed for his descendant Ezio Auditore in Assassin‘s Creed II.

According to lore in AC II and Lineage, it was none other than Leonardo da Vinci who created a second hidden blade for Ezio. By studying pages from Altaïr‘s codex that had been locked away in the Auditore family‘s vault, Leo was able to craft a bracer and blade for Ezio‘s left hand.[1]

This gave Ezio a huge advantage in combat with two blades to strike with. After he became Mentor and rebuilt the Italian Brotherhood, Ezio made it a tradition that only the best Assassins reaching the Master rank could wield two hidden blades.

Ezio Auditore wielding two hidden blades

(Ezio and his two iconic hidden blades – image via Ubisoft)

Why Did Connor Get Two Hidden Blades?

Connor Kenway from Assassin‘s Creed III also famously used two blades in combat. His case was an exception since he did not hold the Master Assassin rank early on when he got his second blade.

The reason Connor had two blades outfitted very soon in his quest was practical – with his Native American roots, he had founded a new Brotherhood in the American Colonies separate from the European order. Since he was the only Assassin operating in the colonies at first, the "best Assassin" rule did not apply initially.

One of Connor‘s two blades was also unique in being detachable as a knife or dagger for more flexibility.[2] So he pioneered a new style of dual-wielding with the double hidden blades!

Shay Cormac‘s Early Double Blades

Another exception came with Shay Cormac during the Seven Years War. His chaotic career saw him betrayal and leave the Colonial Brotherhood before achieving Master status, yet he wielded paired hidden blades from early on.

Experts believe that the fragmented state of the Assassin order in Colonial America enabled him to acquire two blades more easily than in better-organized branches. He later joined the Templars while keeping his weaponry.[3]

Altaïr‘s Original Single Hidden Blade Design

It‘s worth noting that the very first Assassin we meet chronologically, Altaïr Ibn-La‘Ahad from the 1190s, only used one hidden blade in his missions. The iconic single blade was all that was needed for stealthy assassinations requiring minimum exposure.

Ezio upgrading to two blades 100 years later showed how times and threats had changed. Still, Altaïr‘s original single blade design remains the genesis of this proprietary Assassin weapon.

Losing a Finger – Mark of the Hidden Blade

Amputating one finger has long been a ritual practice marking mastery of the Hidden Blade. Assassins in training would remove their ring finger to properly wield their blade and allow faster extension from the bracer.[4]

This sacrifice also carried huge symbolic significance. Cutting off a finger represented being willing to give up one‘s past life to devote everything to the Assassin Brotherhood. It stays as a permanent reminder of an Assassin‘s commitment to their deadly creed above all.

Legacy of the First Assassin‘s Hidden Blade

We cannot talk about this iconic weapon without mentioning the mythical original owner – Darius from the 5th century BC. Lore recounts how Darius constructed an early version of the hidden blade to successfully assassinate Xerxes I, ruler of the Persian Empire.

Thus, the first recorded assassination with a Hidden Blade was Darius against Xerxes – cementing the weapon‘s legend and kicking off the long legacy carried later by Altaïr, Ezio and others we‘ve met.[5]

So while Ezio and Connor definitely made the double hidden blades famous – even founders like Darius and Altaïr left their own marks influencing future generations.

Comparing Different Assassins‘ Hidden Blades

  • Altaïr (12th century) – Basic single hidden blade
  • Ezio (15/16th century Italy) – Upgraded to dual blades
  • Connor Kenway (18th century America) – Had one detachable blade
  • Edward Kenway (18th century Caribbean) – Single blade user
  • Frye Twins (19th century London) – Single blades

From stealthy sleight of hand to lethal double-blade combat, the iconic mechanism has served Assassins well through history in all its forms!

So in summary – Ezio, Connor, Shay and some later Assassins lucked out with two blades, while it was still effective riders like Altaïr making do with just one! Dual wielding is killer, but a sole hidden blade suffices in the right hands…

  1. Assassin‘s Creed Wiki: Leonardo da Vinci
  2. GameRevolution: Every playable Assassin‘s Creed character ranked
  3. Reddit: Why was Shay allowed to use two hidden blades?
  4. TheGamer: Assassin‘s Creed: Why Assassins Remove Their Ring Finger
  5. Eurogamer: Assassin‘s Creed Origins starts at the origins of the Brotherhood

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