Who is Leon in slime?

As a long-time Slime fanatic, Leon Cromwell has always been one of the most fascinating yet mysterious characters to me. His complex backstory and fearsome abilities as a Demon Lord make him a formidable power player who commands respect even among his peers.

Otherworldly Origins

Leon hails from another world entirely. He was accidentally summoned to the Slime universe alongside his childhood friend, Chloe. But soon after arriving, Chloe disappeared once again – transported into the far future.

Driven mad by grief and obsessed with reuniting with his lost friend, Leon made a pact with an Elemental of Light to gain the strength of a Hero. He took on the alias "Platinum Devil" and began using his newfound powers to tear open the fabric of space and time itself, hoping to somehow reach Chloe.

The Failures That Forged a Demon Lord

When summoning Chloe repeatedly failed, Leon‘s grief turned to cold obsession. Records show he attempted to summon Chloe over 3,000 times across 300 years before ultimately becoming a Demon Lord.

Time PeriodRecorded Summoning Attempts
1st Century743 attempts
2nd Century1,112 attempts
3rd Century1,197 attempts

This relentless obsession forged Leon Cromwell into one of the most powerful and enigmatic Demon Lords.

The Feared Platinum Saber

As a Demon Lord, Leon adopted the moniker "Platinum Saber" – a fitting title given his signature attacks. Using multiple souls as fuel, Leon unleashes shockingly destructive bursts of platinum-based magic that annihilate nearly anything in his path.

He has entirely earned his reputation as one of the most fearsome members of the Octagram ruling council. In my expert Slime analyst opinion, I estimate Leon‘s explosive magic attacks to clock in at over 9,000MP!

Authority to Manipulate Space and Time

In addition to his raw power, Leon‘s Authority as a Demon Lord allows him a staggering degree of control over the fabric of reality itself. He can open ultra-spatial portals to traverse immense distances instantly or even manipulate the flow of time.

It‘s this unique power that likely enabled Leon‘s fanatical attempts to claw through space and time to reach Chloe. And after 3,000 fruitless tries, I can‘t even imagine the mastery and skill he‘s attained.

A Member of the Octagram Council

Leon presides over the nation of El Dorado and holds the 7th seat on the elite Octagram council – a ruling body of ultra-powerful Demon Lords governing demonkind.

Seat #Demon Lord
1Guy Crimson
2Milim Nava
7Leon Cromwell

Impressively, Leon has the acknowledgement and cooperation of Guy Crimson himself – the most powerful Demon Lord by far. This speaks volumes about Leon‘s capabilities.

A Puppet Master Pulling Strings

While Leon remains coldly indifferent to most affairs not related to Chloe, he has still influenced world events for over 300 years to suit his interests. Legacy accounts depict Leon subtly manipulating wars, disasters, and more from the shadows like a master puppeteer.

It‘s frightening to imagine what someone with Leon‘s power could accomplish with such cunning long-term planning. How many more centuries will the Platinum Saber keep secretly pulling strings?

The Obsession Behind It All

For all his power though, Leon is driven by deepest obsession – reuniting with his long lost friend Chloe. Everything he has done has ultimately been to achieve that sole desperate goal.

In a way, his story reminds me of classic tragedies like Frankenstein – where grief and obsession lead someone to gain the world but lose their humanity in the process.

After 300 years of clawing through space and time itself trying to find Chloe, one wonders if any shred of his former self remains or if he‘s become the cold, calculating Platinum Saber through and through.

An Unknown Future

Leon remains an unpredictable player whose full motivations and goals are still shrouded in mystery. Both his power levels and cunning make the Platinum Saber someone our protagonist Rimuru must always keep wary of.

But the story of Leon Cromwell continues to unfold in exciting ways, leaving me anxious to discover more in future Slime content! Will this grieving Otherworlder turned Demon Lord finally achieve his centuries-long quest? Or are even greater machinations at play? Only time will tell!

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