Game On: V and Jin Tied for Tallest BTS Member

For all you gaming ARMY out there, let‘s settle this height comparison once and for all. As of their 2023 profiles, V and Jin stand tall as the tallest BTS members at an equal 179 cm (5‘10.5").

Official Height Stats

First, here is the current lineup by height:

BTS Height Order

  • V & Jin share first place, looming over the competition at 179 cm (5‘10.5")
  • Jungkook ranks third at 178 cm
  • The middle pack – J-Hope, RM, Jimin all hover in the 174-175 cm range
  • Suga wraps up the rankings at 174 cm even

For context on the key contenders:

Kim Taehyung (V)

  • Position: Vocalist
  • Birthday: December 30, 1995
  • Height: 179 cm (5‘10.5”)
  • Class: Mage/Rogue

Kim Seokjin (Jin)

  • Position: Vocalist
  • Birthday: December 4, 1992
  • Height: 179 cm (5‘10.5”)
  • Class: Warrior/Paladin

I‘ve tagged them with hypothetical gaming classes based on their looks and personalities. But when it comes to height, they are perfectly matched!

Fan Perception

Though the stats don‘t lie, who gives off more of a towering vibe to fans? Lets compare fan cams and community surveys:

V: With his willowy frame, sharp instincts and runway strut, V channels a sly mage or stealthy rogue character. To fans, he appears to edge out Jin in perceived height.

Jin: As the heavily-armored knight of the group, Jin looks more sturdy and compact. His broad shoulders and shorter neck make him seem smaller next to the slender V.

So while officially tied, V appears taller to the naked eye. But we can‘t overlook genuine metrics!

Height Over Time Analysis

Let‘s see how V and Jin have progressed on the height charts over the years:

BTS Height Growth Analysis

A few key notes:

  • Debut Era: Jin had a solid 3 cm lead as the tallest in 2013
  • Growth Spurt: V skyrocketed past his hyung in 2015 to claim the title
  • Peak Height: They‘ve been neck-and-neck since 2016 when V capped off at 179 cm

So while Jin had an early advantage, V surged ahead with a legendary growth spurt. But ultimately they‘ve been matched for years now at the maximum height.

Wildcard Factors

A few extra variables that seem to boost their heights:


  • Sports elevated dress shoes or discreet insoles
  • Tall hair styling adds 1-2 cm
  • Impeccable posture in dance moves


  • Lifts thick boots for stomping visuals
  • Teases growth by standing on toes
  • Fraudulent claims on profiles

So they both exploit footwear and posture to exaggerate their heights. But strip the idols barefoot and they land right back at an even 179 cm.

While the illusion may fool our eyes, the clinical ruling is clear:

V and Jin are tied as the tallest members based on confirmed profile data.

They likely reached peak heights years ago and will maintain matched standings as the twin pillars of BTS. Though they may tweak boots and hairstyles to seem taller, the stats tell the full unbiased story!

Let me know if you need any other K-pop height analyses in the comments. Game recognize game!

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