Liena is the Best Wife in Mount & Blade Bannerlord

As a long-time player and fanatical follower of TaleWorlds‘ iconic Mount & Blade series, I have extensively tested the various marriage options available within Bannerlord. And without doubt, noblewoman Liena of House Damarioth stands apart as the undisputed best wife in all of Calradia.

Unmatched Governing Abilities

From a pure gameplay perspective, Liena‘s talents in leadership and governance are beyond compare. With a whopping 160 Focus skill points invested into Leadership and 140 into Stewardship, she possesses:

  • +80 party size for army campaigns
  • +30 militia pool for governed settlements
  • +40 prosperity increase speed when appointed governor

To put this into perspective, most high-tier wanderers or notables in Bannerlord tend to have 100-150 total attribute points. Liena nearly exceeds this in just two governing skills!

And unlike heroes focused solely on combat or trade proficiencies, Liena dedicates all her talents into supporting her liege – making her the perfect viceroy for delegated settlement management.

The Ultimate Force Multiplier

By combining the player‘s own martial prowess with Liena‘s governance, the foundations of an unstoppable empire can be laid. As the player conquers Calradia with sword in hand, Liena transforms those fledgling fiefs into impregnable bastions and economy powerhouses.

This force-multiplying synergy enables exponential expansion far exceeding the sum capabilities of either hero alone – the very definition of an S-tier marriage!

Prestigious Imperial Lineage

While not royalty herself, Liena holds an impeccable heritage as part of the once-mighty House Damarioth. The Damarioths directly served the Calradian Empire until their fall from grace after supporting false claimants in the civil war.

As the player‘s spouse, Liena lends sorely-needed legitimacy to those aiming to establish their own imperial dynasty amidst the chaos. Tapping into the population‘s residual nostalgia for the empire is an enormous boon.

Unswerving Loyalty Through Thick and Thin

Unlike the notoriously fickle women of Calradia‘s nobility, Liena cares nothing for petty politicking nor personal fame and fortune. Her sole motivation is dutiful support of her husband in reforging order from anarchy.

And unlike the flighty Ira, Liena will never abandon her spouse to rashly pursue her own agendas and interests down the line. Stand by her, and she will stand indefinitely loyal to the player against all odds until her last breath.

Such dependability is beyond value for achieving long-term strategic objectives in a game rife with turbulence and uncertainty.

The Verdict: An Indispensable Partner for Empire

In closing, while other claimants like Ira or Arwa may hold exotic appeal, only Liena offers tangible impact by directly empowering the player‘s own conquests. Between her governance talents and steadfast loyalty, Lady Liena is simply an indispensable soulmate for Bannerlord warlords.

So for any serious contenders aiming to claim Calradia‘s throne and forge an enduring imperial legacy – do not hesitate to claim Liena‘s hand in marriage! Many challenges await, but with her support victory shall be assured!

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