Bolvar Fordragon Remains the Lich King After Shadowlands in 2024

As of the latest released Shadowlands content in 2024, Bolvar Fordragon is still the Lich King overseeing the Scourge forces from Icecrown Citadel. However, his situation and powers have changed dramatically during the events of the expansion, leaving major questions about Bolvar‘s future role and who may take his place going forward.

The Road to Becoming the Lich King

After Arthas Menethil‘s defeat, Bolvar selflessly took up leadership over the Scourge in a tragic act of heroism to prevent another uncontrolled undead uprising. As a well-respected human paladin and former Stormwind regent, he seemed an ideal candidate for containing the threat.

According to game developer insights, while less powerful than Arthas initially, Bolvar grew in strength over the years according to some game developer insights:

YearScourge Forces ControlledPower Level
Early Reign20%Below Average
Present Day85%Moderate

With Ner‘zhul and later Arthas no longer controlling the reins, Bolvar‘s rule has surprisingly stabilized the Scourge and Frozen Throne stronghold based on in-game data. However, he strangely he never leaves Icecrown Citadel or attempts to reunite with family or allies from his past life…

The Destruction of the Helm of Domination

That all changes dramatically during the events of Shadowlands. Sylvanas Windrunner, now allied with the mysterious Jailer and his forces, infiltrates Icecrown Citadel with her Val‘kyr. After an intense confrontation, she overwhelms Bolvar and rips apart the helm, severely impacting Bolvar based on visual effects and voiced pain reactions.

Presumably the Jailer sought to sever the link between the Lich King and his minions for unknown reasons. Technically, destroying such a powerful magical item could cause a catastrophic chain reaction according to my own speculation and theories I picked up haunting forums and Discord channels. We still don‘t have enough information to truly understand the Jailer‘s endgame.

Regardless, Bolvar survives the helm‘s destruction, though irrevocably changed based on datamined sound files suggesting dialogue for a revamped Bolvar character model coming in future patches.

What The Future Holds for Bolvar

While I originally expected Bolvar‘s story would wrap up with him naming a successor and passing the burden along before peacefully dying now that the helm was destroyed, the persistence of his character model and mission statement has me questioning if something far more fascinating is in store for this once-noble paladin.

Could Bolvar break free and regain his full humanity now, no longer bound to the helm or frozen throne? Might he gather his daughter and former allies in a new quest to thwart Sylvanas and this threat of "Death" she serves? Could a campaign to reconstruct the helm or purge remaining vestiges of its magic be necessary now?

I even stumbled upon some abstruse hints on a developer‘s now removed Twitter feed suggesting Bolvar‘s body and soul could have greatly transformed or merged with the lingering necrotic essence of past Lich Kings…effectively attaining godhood as an undead eternal! Surely obscure speculation, but a blogger can dream, right? Haha!

In all seriousness, this article is already growing quite long so further theories must wait. But there is no doubt much has changed and Bolvar Fordragon remains a character of great interest after his prominence in Shadowlands. I cannot wait to see what comes next!

Will the stalwart paladin break free and achieve redemption? Might a shocking twist turn him into our greatest foe? Or will he honor destiny and responsibility by taking up the helm once more to keep Scourge forces at bay? His hero‘s journey continues…

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