Who is the Oldest Link or Zelda?

As a passionate Zelda fan and gaming expert, I‘m often asked – who is the oldest depicted Link or Zelda in the series? It‘s a complex question spanning decades of lore, but here I‘ll analyze the evidence.

Links Range from Child to Late Teens

Reviewing the games, Link‘s age varies greatly but generally falls into a young range:

  • Ocarina of Time: Explicitly confirmed as 9 years old
  • Majora‘s Mask: Same Link shortly after Ocarina, still 9
  • Wind Waker: Said to be 12 based on trophy description
  • Twilight Princess: Late teens based on mature design

So while Wind Waker features the youngest Link, Twilight Princess likely shows him oldest at 17-19 years.

Zeldas Tend to be 16-18 Years Old

Zelda‘s age is rarely quantified, but her role as wise ruler suggests adolescence or young adulthood:

  • Skyward Sword: Implied 17-18 as a mature student
  • Ocarina of Time: Likely 16 based on coming of age rituals
  • Breath of the Wild: Not specified but appears early 20s

So evidence suggests 16 at youngest, early 20s at oldest.

Timeline Branches Allow Different Ages

As covered above, Links and Zeldas vary in age between games. But the series timeline also branches into three alternate realities, each with distinct incarnations of the characters existing simultaneously.

So chronologically, the "oldest" Zelda depends on which timeline we discuss!

Essence Transcends Ages

While their exact ages shift between eras, these icons represent universal virtues passed down for generations. Details like age ultimately matter less than the courage, wisdom and growth they model.

So in summary – oldest Link falls in the late teens, Zelda ranges from 16-early 20s. But their legends span ages as embodiments of the eternal struggle between good and evil.

Let me know if you have any other questions! As a fan I‘m happy to analyze these games for their rich lore and history.

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