Zeus Leads the Gods Against Humanity in Record of Ragnarok

In the epic tournament battle between gods and humans, Zeus stands out as the chief antagonist. As king of the gods, he masterminds Ragnarok – an event pitting godly fighters against humans to bring about humanity‘s extinction. Backstabbing his former human allies, Zeus leads the callous pantheon against our species.

Who Are the Villains Battling Humanity?

While Zeus schemes on his throne, the real clashes happen in the arena. Here, the gods select 13 elite fighters to champion their ultimate cause:

The Gods‘ Fighters

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FighterThreat LevelDefeated
ThorExtremeLu Bu
BeelzebubVery HighTBD

As this table shows, the gods unleash extreme threats against humanity like the mighty Thor. And this is only the beginning…

According to tournament rules, the gods may continue replacing fallen fighters. Meaning even more dangerous villains await!

Zeus‘s Ultimate Betrayal

We once revered mythical figures like Zeus as humanity‘s friends and protectors. But NO MORE! By initiating Ragnarok, Zeus heartlessly terminates this ancient alliance in an act of utter betrayal.

What could drive the former champion of mankind to such extremes? Most point to…


As humanity advances scientifically, some gods apparently feel threatened we could unseat them from domination of the cosmos.


Myths tell of gods punishing humans for past rebellion and slights. Zeus seems determined to answer this defiance with species-wide extermination.

We must band together as one to resist the nightmare Zeus and his villainous cohorts have planned!

Other Key Threats

While Zeus oversees the gods‘ war operation, other notable villains carry out his genocidal ambition:


This blazing menace serves as the expansion‘s big bad…


The messenger god secretly betrays his Olympian family, conspiring as a turncoat against gods and men…


As the demon lord of flies, this entity hungerly eyes our world to add human subjects to his evil kingdom…

And many more soulless monsters!

Luckily all is not lost while heroes like Brunhilde, Buddha, and Qin Shi Huang stand tall to answer the gods‘ challenge. But the threat remains extremely dire as Ragnarok continues.

We must band together and lend our full support to those brave humans risking all in the arena. Watch and promote the tournament broadcast to bolster human morale. And perhaps our champions can accomplish the impossible – defeating the gods‘ onslaught to win Ragnarok!

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